Page 146 of Covert Mission
“Hold.” They heard Z typing quickly, then, “I reserved a suite and an extra room at the Magnolia Inn in Lawrenceburg. It’s twenty minutes from your current location. Same distance from Washington, D.C.”
“Name the reservation is under?”
“Teresa Powell.”
“Thanks, Z.”
“Want me to cancel the reservations at your current hotel?”
“Leave them in place for now,” Seth said.
“Copy that. Need anything else?”
“Have you had any luck with the photo Teagan sent you?”
“Just got a hit. Your mystery man is Bruno Salitto. He’s an expensive thug for hire.”
Seth straightened. Salitto was a well-known hitman who liked to work with a team. Any team, anywhere. He was like a ghost. “Noah and I are familiar with his reputation. Know anything else about him?”
“I found a few fuzzy photos online. Don’t ask how I got them. I saw several shots of him with Peters and Richardson and one with a cop you’ll recognize.”
He froze. “Russ King?”
“Give the man a prize.”
This wasn’t good. While King worked from a distance, Salitto loved to work up close and personal. He enjoyed hurting people. Why did Peters and Richardson want Salitto in their pocket when they had King?
The answer was obvious. He blew out a breath. “Salitto is part of King’s assassination team.”
“That would be my guess. He doesn’t like to work alone, and he stays out of the limelight.”
“Track Salitto and King’s movements for the past week. I also need to know if either of them showed up near Crockett Park trail where my CI was murdered.”
“Should have thought of that myself. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“Thanks for the fast work, Zane. Any information to share on the targets?”
“Not enough. The president and vice president are both in town tomorrow and scheduled to give speeches at the same time in different parts of D.C. I also found three visiting heads of state who are potential targets. That doesn’t include the families of Martin and Reynolds let alone the heads of states’ families. Two of them are giving speeches about the same time as Martin and Reynolds.”
“So we probably have four, perhaps five potential targets. I don’t think killing family members of the power players wouldbenefit Peters and Richardson enough to take the risk.” Seth frowned. “Still too many possibilities, though. Can we warn Martin and Reynolds to tighten security around their families and themselves tomorrow?”
“Already done, my friend. Maddox spoke to both men personally. They’re taking precautions.”
That was something at least. “All right. Thanks, Zane.”
“Contact me if I can help.” Zane ended the call.
“Let’s go. We need to move as soon as possible.” Seth exited the SUV and circled the hood to open Teagan’s door, then escorted her in through the lobby entrance.
After they climbed the stairs to the fourth floor, Seth knocked on Knight’s door. When his teammate opened the door, Seth said, “Meeting in my room now.”
Inside their own room, Teagan scanned for cameras and bugs. She found another camera and two more bugs. Rolling her eyes, she got rid of the electronics. “They’re ticking me off,” she muttered. “I’m tired of this. I feel like I can’t breathe without someone watching and listening. It’s creepy.”
Knight, Marsh, and Bowen walked into the room. “What’s up?” Bowen asked.
“Pack your gear. We’re changing hotels.”
His men returned two minutes later with their duffel bags in hand.