Page 15 of Covert Mission
“What’s Pico’s last name?”
Teagan placed another call, this one also on speaker.
On the second ring, a deep voice said, “Yeah, Murphy.”
“It’s Teagan. You’re on speaker with Detective Seth Dixon.”
“What do you need?”
“All the information you can dig up on a man named Pico Jimenez. He was murdered this morning in Crockett Park on the running trail.”
“Got it. What else?”
“Everything you can unearth on The Brotherhood.”
“The militia group?”
Silence, then, “Why?”
“Pico told Seth he overheard three men involved with The Brotherhood talking about a big score involving weapons. One of the three is a cop. No idea what variety.”
“Anything else?”
“That’s it for now. Wait. One more thing.” Her gaze locked with Seth’s. “Seth says we’re dating now.”
More silence. “Do you agree with his assessment?”
“I’m leaning in that direction.”
“Is this your running partner?”
Seth’s eyebrows rose. Huh. So Teagan had talked about him with the mysterious Murphy. Who was this guy, and what relationship did he have with Teagan?
He sighed. Since when was he a jealous idiot? Seth stared at Teagan. No question his jealous streak revealed itself the moment he met her. He was toast.
“It is.”
“Standard. Our numbers plus you, Maddox, and the main switchboard.”
“Copy that. Where do you want it delivered?”
Teagan glanced at Seth, then gave Murphy his home address.
Huh. How did she know where he lived? He should be concerned that she knew so much about him while he knew almost nothing about her. He wasn’t.
“Expect delivery tomorrow.”
“Copy that. Thanks, Z.”