Page 21 of Covert Mission
“I’m cranky when recovering from an injury, Seth. You might want to run for the hills until I’m more myself again.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart. You’re mine, and I take care of what’s mine. I can handle the cranks.”
Violet walked into the room with two chemically activated cold packs. “You’re awake. How do you feel now, Seth?”
“Better except for the headache. I’m not puking, so I’ll consider that a big win.”
She switched the cold packs. “Try not to move around much. Look, Seth, I’m Artemis team’s medic, so I carry more medical supplies that regular EMTs. I have a mild pain killer that will help with your headache but not knock you out. My teammates take it when we’re on missions and we can’t stop to do more than patch up an injury. Do you want to take that or should I get some over-the-counter medicine and hope it does the trick?”
Seth hesitated, then sighed. “Your pain killer, not the one prescribed by the doctor. The headache is making it hard for me to think, but I don’t want to be knocked out.”
Violet left and returned less than a minute later with a capsule and a small bottle of water. “Try this. If your pain doesn’t ease up, we may have to try something else.”
“Just keep me from puking and looking like a wuss in front of my woman, please.”
Violet’s eyebrows rose. “I’ll do my best.” She arranged pillows behind Seth’s back and neck before turning to Teagan. “Something you want to share, T?”
“He says we’re dating.”
“We are,” the detective insisted. “No take backs, lady. You claimed me, and I’m holding you to it. No throwing me to the wolves.”
Amusement had her lips curving. “You’re safe, Seth. No wolves in sight.”
He scowled. “I’m yours. You’re mine. End of discussion.”
Violet chuckled. “Well, since that’s settled, Maddox wants a report from you as soon as possible. Same goes for Iona.”
“Copy that.” This would be an interesting few minutes.
“Need anything before I go back on watch?”
“I don’t think so. Seth?”
“Need nothing except you, beautiful,” he murmured.
Oh, man. What a sweet talker Detective Dixon was. “Who’s on watch next?”
“Might be a good idea to have her pick up whatever you think Seth needs to prevent more barfing episodes.”
“I’ll give her a list. I’ll check on Seth in a few minutes.” The medic left the room.
“Call your boss.” Seth rolled to his side and wrapped his arm around Teagan’s hips.
Well, okay then. Guess these calls would happen within Seth’s hearing. Might as well put them on speaker. Seth would hear every word, anyway.
Teagan grabbed her phone and made the call to her boss, Brent Maddox.
His deep voice answered on the first ring. “Talk to me, Teagan.”
“You’re on speaker with Seth Dixon.”
She reported everything that had happened. “Look, I don’t know which law enforcement agency might be compromised, but I’m concerned about Seth’s safety.”
The detective in question tightened his hold on her. “And I’m concerned about yours.”