Page 59 of Just This Once
She shrugged, and the carefree movement was a punch to my gut. “A girl can’t be too safe, I guess.”
I held out my hand. “You’re safe with me.”
Her hand paused above mine, as if she was still trying to decide how true my statement was. Finally, her delicate hand rested in mine.
“I wanted somewhere quiet where we could hang out without curious eyes.” I lifted her hand to my lips.
Her cheeks flooded with the prettiest shade of rose before she smiled and turned to look at our surroundings. Behind us, the cove secluded us from nearby hikers and beachgoers walking atop the dunes, and Lake Michigan stretched out as far as the eye could see in the opposite direction.
“I like it here.” She sucked in a deep breath and exhaled. “Feels like you could really breathe in a place like this.”
I stepped behind her and wrapped my arms around her. It felt good—too good—to be able to capture her in my embrace without looking over my shoulder. A defiant part of me wanted to demand we go public—fuck anyone who didn’t accept that we were together—but it was way too soon to be thinking like that. We had agreed to sleeping together and nothing more.
The canoe I had tied to a rock along the shore bobbed in the water.
“You ready?” I asked.
Her eyes went wide, and she looked at me over her shoulder. “Ready? I thought this was it.”
I squeezed her once before releasing her. “Nope. I’ve got plans.” I held out my hand, and she took it without hesitation this time. “Let’s go.”
I pulled her toward the canoe. It was sleek and hunter green. The seats were gleaming oak, stained a warm brown and polished until they shone. My supplies were neatly tucked under each seat. I reached in and grabbed a life vest for her. “Put this on.”
She eyed the vest. “Where are we going?”
I smiled and slipped on my own vest before buckling it closed. “Just wanted to show you something.”
Her eyes narrowed at me. “Hmm. Okay . . .”
I rolled my eyes playfully. “Just get in the damn boat, Prim.”
With a laugh, Emily braced the sides of the canoe and carefully got in. I pointed to her seat, and she settled in toward the front. After untying the boat, I moved us deeper into the water before climbing in.
Using the oars, I rowed us around Trawler’s Cove. The summer sun hung low in the sky, holding promises of longer days and warmer nights. Splashes of tangerine and golden yellow glittered off the water.
“The water is so clear. It’s unbelievable. And the sand dunes aremassive.”
I nodded, loving the affection and awe laced in her voice. There was something about Emily appreciating the place I grew up in that twisted up my insides. “There really is no place else like it.”
After touring the cove, I moored the canoe along a desolate stretch of sandy beach beyond where the teenagers had gone, only accessible by boat. Nerves scurried through me like the mitten crabs dancing along the shoreline.
“Hungry?” I asked.
She batted her lashes and my stomach swooped. “Always.”
I laughed and hauled up a small blanket and basket from beneath my seat. “That’s my girl.”
I handed Emily the blanket and basket, then unloaded the compact bundle of firewood and a small foldable shovel from the bottom of the canoe. We walked to a clearing of sand, and I gestured with my chin. “Can you set that up?”
Wordlessly, Emily opened the blanket, arranging it on the soft sand and placing the basket at the center. Using the camping shovel, I dug a circular hole to block the wind. Inside the circle, Istacked a bit of kindling in the center before neatly arranging the logs. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a lighter, igniting the kindling. I leaned forward and blew into the growing fire.
I caught Emily watching me as I turned. “What?”
Her grin widened. “Nothing.”
Once settled onto the blanket, I flipped open the top of the picnic basket. Emily sat on her knees at the corner and peered into the basket. I pulled out a half loaf of crusty french bread, two Royal Riviera pears, prosciutto wrapped in parchment, and a hunk of cheese.
She sat back on her heels, her palms resting on the tops of her smooth thighs, and sighed. “You arefullof surprises.”