Page 107 of Just My Luck
When I caught her attention, she smiled and stood. “Hi, Abel. Picking up the kids early today?”
I scratched a spot behind my head. “Um, no, but I do need to talk with Ben for a minute. Would that be okay?”
She smiled. “You’ve got great timing. Right now the kids are having a snack before we head outside. I’ll grab him.”
Emily rounded her desk and disappeared behind a tall stack of books. I looked around and folded myself into a too-small chair and waited. My palms were sweaty, so I swiped them down the thighs of my jeans.
Moments later, Ben appeared at Emily’s side. When he saw me, his eyes lit up and an arrow snagged my chest.
“Hi!” He waved and Emily resumed her position behind the circulation desk.
“Hey, bud.” I gestured to the seat beside me. “Why don’t you sit down.”
Ben frowned as he lowered himself into the seat. “Am I in trouble?”
I leaned forward and rested my hand on his shoulder. “Not at all.”
His eyes were downcast. “Are you here to say goodbye?”
Blood drained from my face. “I know it’s hard, but your mom and I agreed that me staying at the cabin for a while is a good idea. It’s got nothing to do with you.”
He nodded but wouldn’t look me in the eye. I gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Really, I came to see you because I need a pep talk.”
He looked up. “What’s a pep talk?”
I considered how to put it for a seven-year-old to understand. “Well, it’s kind of like when a coach talks to his players before a big game. He reminds them to play hard and lets them know he believes in them.”
“Are you playing a game?” Ben asked.
My heart ached for this sweet little boy. I shook my head. “No. But, I remember you told me that I should talk with a therapist. I listened and found someone to set up an appointment with.” I glanced at the clock above his shoulder. “He’s probably already waiting for me.” I leaned in to look Ben in the eye. “The thing is... I’m feeling a little nervous.”
“Oh...” Ben nodded, holding my stare with serious eyes. “But therapy is fun. You play with toys and talk about your feelings, and sometimes she’ll tell you little tricks to feel better when you’re scared.”
I ached for his simple worldview. “Talking about my feelings is hard sometimes.”
Ben’s hand landed on my shoulder with a thump. “Harder than keeping them inside?”
Emotion rose in my chest as I pulled him into a hug. “No, I guess you’re right, bud.” I patted his back as he squeezed me.
Emotion banded across my chest. “Thank you.” I stood and cleared my throat. “Sorry to interrupt camp. You should head back. Give Tillie a hug from me.”
“I believe in you, Abel.” Ben waved before smiling at Emily and disappearing around the corner.
Behind the circulation desk, Emily’s hands were clutched in front of her, tears swimming in her eyes.
I nodded and stomped away.
Ben’s peptalk was exactly what I needed. That kid was stronger than he realized, and if he believed in me, then maybe I could too. I let myself sink into that feeling on the drive to my appointment.
When I got there, the office was unlike that of any therapist I’d imagined. Instead of a sterile office building, Dr. Alexander Bennet opted to see his patients from the comfort of his own home. When I pulled up the driveway just before my appointment time, he was waiting for me on the porch in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.
“Mr. King.” He stood with a smile, reaching out his hand to shake mine. “It’s nice to finally meet in person. I’m Alex.”
I gritted my teeth and nodded. “Abel.”