Page 25 of Just Between Us
I shouldn’t do it.
With a pathetic sigh, I realized the temptation was too great, and I caved.
It took forever to redownload, but once I opened the app and entered my log-in information, I was hit with a notification of a new video. I glanced around. No one was around to peek over my shoulder to see what was on my phone, but I checked just in case.
The video was right there, ready for me to push play, and my heart fluttered.
Royal was still dressed in the tuxedo from the wedding. He had shed the jacket and was sitting on the couch, his body visible from the neck down. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and I swallowed alongside him. The bow tie and two shirt buttons were undone but nothing more. Somehow this buttoned-up version ofMr.Right.Nowwas even hotter.
The commenters disagreed. Below the video were the typical replies I was used to seeing on his videos, comments likeDaddy?andMeowwwwand lots of fire emoji, but there were also streams of subtle complaints that the video wasn’t like his normal content.
Talk about a tease.
Take some of it off.
Too sweet. Where’s the spice?
It gave me the ick that people were so bold to direct those things at a perfect stranger. Guilt washed over me because I knew that, really, I was no better. I, too, had used his deep voice and sex appeal to my advantage for the bargain price of $14.99 per month.
But somehow knowing it was Royal feltdifferentnow.
I held my breath as I pushed play and watched the video.
“Hey, Precious. I wanted you to know that I wouldn’t change anything. There is nothing I would change about you.” Hechuckled to himself, and a sizzle ran across my skin. “A black cat and a golden retriever. Could be fun.”
My ears buzzed.Ablack cat and golden retriever.
Sure, I’d always had the irrational thought that it seemed likeMr.Right.Nowwas speaking tome, but this was insane. Knowing he was actually speaking directly to me made my head spin.
My two worlds were colliding, and my head was going to explode.
I jolted when a hand landed on my shoulder. I ripped one earbud from my ear to find Sylvie smiling at me. I frantically shoved the phone into my bag, my cheeks flooding with heat.
“Hi.” She smiled.
I pressed my hand to my chest, feeling my heartbeat thump beneath it. “Jesus, you scared me.”
“I’m so sorry.” Sylvie laughed. “I came in from the back.”
She slid a large foaming to-go cup in front of me. She set the lid next to it. “The big guy told me what you wanted to order.” She leaned in as if we were partners in some inside joke. “Be thankful he didn’t attempt to make it.”
I looked at the paper cup. It was a perfect upside-down macchiato espresso. “Oh, that’s so kind. Thank you. Here ...” I moved toward my purse.
“Nope. My treat.” Sylvie winked. On the outside, Sylvie King was much more reserved than her little sister MJ’s bubbling energy. But beneath that cautious exterior, I could see they shared the same kindness.
Sylvie leaned a hip against the windowsill counter and crossed her arms. “You slipped out before we had a chance to say goodbye after the wedding.”
Guilt oozed into my awareness. I wasn’t used to my abrupt actions being held so accountable or thinking about how myhasty exit may have looked to her family. I didn’t quite know how to feel about it.
I swallowed hard. “Oh, right.” I folded my hands in my lap to keep from fidgeting. “I’m sorry about that. I appreciated MJ’s invite, but you know, it was a family event so ...” I trailed off, unsure what more to say.
Sylvie only smiled and nodded. “I completely understand. It was nice of you to come.” She flipped a white dish towel onto her shoulder. “Well, I better get started before it gets busy, but I’ll see you on Wednesday for the Bluebirds, right?”
My eyebrows popped up. “Oh, I ...”
Sylvie paused as one sculpted eyebrow crept up onto her forehead, daring me to come up with a reason I couldn’t attend.
I smiled. “Yes, I’ll see you there.”