Page 41 of Just Between Us
My throat scratched as I swallowed. “I need rules—to feel safe.”
Yes, rules are good.
Rules could keep me from tumbling headfirst into something I couldn’t come back from.
Royal’s nose grazed the side of my cheek. “Rules and I don’t really have the best track record, Precious.” His voice rasped in my ear. He leaned back, his warm brown eyes boring into me. “But for you, I’ll do my best.”
Royal leaned away, clasping his hands in front of him as he waited. My head was spinning, already missing the heat of his body pressed against mine.
I lifted one manicured finger and stared Royal in the eye. “Rule one: no one can find out about it. If I’ve learned anything in this town, it’s that it loves to gossip, and I don’t want to invite that drama.” He nodded and my shoulders relaxed. “Rule two: clear boundaries, clear expectations. I don’t need feelings ruining what we are trying to do here.”
Royal studied me but didn’t argue.
“Finally,” I said with a release of breath. “Rule three: it’s over when I say it is. If I don’t like what we’re doing and feel like it’s run its course ... then it’s done.”
He hummed as he considered the rules I’d put into place. Royal scraped a hand across his chiseled jaw. I knew the rules I had outlined were rigid and a little too demanding, but it was the only way I knew how to temper the incessantpleadingI was feeling. Royal was offering to show me how to loosen my grip. He was offeringfreedom.
My heart raced in anticipation of his agreement.
He nodded slowly, walking toward the door to his booth. His long, tattooed fingers wrapped around the handle as he pulled it open for me to leave. “I’ll think about it.”
Sure,Veda’s rules made me itchy, but it was nothing I couldn’t work with. Seeing the flicker of shock across her face when I didn’t immediately agree to her demands was totally worth it. Surprise dissolved into fury as she flicked her long, dark hair over one shoulder and stomped out of the parlor.
My whole body had lit up when she had walked in—like my soul hummed with awareness at her presence. I had spent every waking moment reminding myself she’d won the bet and it was over. The tiny ember of hope had sparked to life when she’d brought it up again.
She was still thinking about it too.
There was a crack in her armor, and I wasn’t ashamed to wedge it wide open.
Luna chuckled and lit her smudge stick again. “I told you,” she singsonged as she waved the smoldering bundle in the air. “That woman doesn’t pass the vibe check.”
I grinned as I watched Veda storm up the sidewalk. “Cut her a little slack. She’s just uptight and punishing the world for how it’s let her down.”
Luna walked out from behind the counter and circled me once before waving the smudge stick in my direction with a pointed look. “Just in case.”
The red recording light flashed,and the image of Veda’s pink, furious cheeks flashed in my mind. I sighed and leaned back, shirtless on the couch with my hands folded in my lap. “Hey, Precious. I’ve been thinking about you a lot today. People might not say what you expect or do what you want them to, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. Sometimes it just means they like it when you’re all riled up.” A small chuckle danced out of me. “Looks like we’ve got some making up to do.”
I posted the video on my main content page and checked to see if Veda was online. She wasn’t, and a small prick of disappointment scratched my skull. Still, I knew I’d made the right choice.
If the whole point of my proposition was to help Veda let go, agreeing too quickly to her rules would be a poor start. She didn’t realize how much I wanted to make her take back every rule she tried to put into place. How badly I wantedher. How muchfunwe could have together if only she let go.
She consumed my thoughts.
It was late, but I was keyed up. I opened our shared messages in Pulse, but with a sigh exited the app instead. I didn’t want the veil of our secret identities any longer. Instead, I pulled up her contact from the group chat and tapped her name.
The phone rang and I paced in my living room. The call went straight to voicemail, and I frowned.
Immediately a text came through.
Why did you call me? Is there an emergency?