Page 90 of Just Between Us
Fury and rage flashed in his eyes as his head swiveled toward me. I bristled at his angry glare and held his stare with an intensity of my own.
I would not allow him to intimidate me.
He brushed at the spot on his shirt as the wet stain grew. I flicked my hand in an attempt to shake off the mess, while also intentionally flicking droplets of coffee onto his face.
“Oops, I just didn’t see you there,” I said. “Hey, Syl?” I called, and Sylvie looked at us with a grin. “Can we get this guy here something to clean himself up with?”
Her shoulder lifted as though she couldn’t care less. “I’ll see what I can do.”
I smiled at her back as she walked toward the kitchen, her denim jacket on full display. I turned toward Russell. His eyes were pinned to the embroidered flowers on Sylvie’s back.
I sighed wistfully. “Sylvie is so pretty, isn’t she? I swear she looks just like her mom.” I tilted my head when his cold eyes slid to me. “Don’t you think?”
Before he could mutter an answer, I left him, sputtering and soaked in coffee, as I swiveled on my heels and strode out of the bakery.
Was it petty, a little reckless, and more than childish?
You’re damn right it was.
The airat the Bluebird Book Club buzzed with unease. The mood was shifting in Outtatowner, and I got the sense that no one really knew what to do about it. I grabbed a lemonade and sat on a mustard-colored velvet settee near Kate Sullivan.
Her sister-in-law Lark leaned over. “It’s good to see you again.” I smiled and she scooted toward me. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Lark,” Kate hissed. “Don’t badger her.”
Puzzled, I shrugged. “It’s fine. Go ahead.”
“We’ve all heard the rumors that you and Royal are together.” Lark glanced away. “Um ... did you happen to meetbeforeyou came here?”
Panic skittered under my skin as I thought about our private chats on Pulse. My lower lip jutted out, and I shook my head. “Nope.”
We hadn’t met in person, so it wasn’ttechnicallya lie. I pushed down the tiny ping of guilt for lying to my new friends.
Lark frowned and shrugged. “Hmm. Okay.” She scooted forward again. “So ... how’s the cuddling with him?”
Annie laughed. “Lark! What is your deal?”
Lark sighed as I laughed. “Um ... it’s great?”
Her mouth twisted. “Okay. I just thought because ... you know ... how he was on that cuddle partner thing. I thought maybe you met there. I just worry about him sometimes, you know?”
My eyes went wide as Annie laughed. “Oh my god!That’sthe secret you’ve been keeping for Royal all this time?”
“Shh!” Lark swatted in her direction. “I promised I wouldn’t tell. Shit! Now he’s going to find out I spilled the beans.” She looked at me, trying to explain. “Okay, so he helped me out of a jam, and in exchange I had to use my acting skills and pretend like I was an old girlfriend of his—a reference, really! It was for a ... cuddle partner site? People ... looking to cuddle?”
The more she went on, the more ridiculous it sounded. I couldn’t help but laugh. All this time Lark still thought Royal signed up for Pulse because he was lonely and needed a cuddle partner.
Lark’s hand flew to her mouth, and her worried eyes looked at the group. “Did I screw up?”
I shook my head and placed my hand on her knee. “Not at all. I knew about that.”
I wanted to tell her how insane it was to think that someone like Royal neededanyhelp in the intimacy department, but part of me knew Royal liked the ridiculousness of Lark thinking he needed a cuddle buddy.
He found it truly hilarious, so I opted to keep his secret.
I looked around the book club and observed groups of women huddled together, whispering and looking over their shoulders. My smile faded as I watched Bug stand at the front of the room with a cool, indifferent expression.
Royal had told me what she had experienced with her brother, and I wondered whether all that time living under his thumb had hardened her. In the end, she had chosen to give up her goals in life to ensure Royal and his siblings were safe.