Page 18 of Wild Heart
Because no matter how much I loved Landing, it was becoming clear that it might not be the place for me any longer.
I had two days left here before I started that next chapter, and I was hoping I’d be able to make the most of them with the rest of the people I knew and loved.
Tonight was the rehearsal dinner, and I was on my way to Savor. I wasn’t in the bridal party, but Wyatt, Rhea, and Wyatt’s parents had made it clear they wanted me in attendance for thedinner. And with the wedding reception taking place tomorrow at the hotel, they’d decided to have the rehearsal dinner at an outside restaurant. Savor was easily the best choice for the occasion.
The second I walked into the private room where the dinner was being held and saw so many of the familiar faces I knew and loved, my heart squeezed. God, I’d missed them.
Ivy immediately spotted me and came rushing over. “Oh my gosh, I’ve been dying to squeeze you,” she declared, wrapping her arms around me.
I hugged her back. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I was going to stop in at the hotel earlier this morning just to see you for a few minutes, but I didn’t think you’d be up.”
Yes, the hotel.
I’d decided before leaving to go on tour to end my former lease. Being away for more than a year, it didn’t make sense to continue paying rent. So, I put all my stuff in storage and settled on staying in one of the hotel suites for these two days I’d be here.
Shaking my head, I shared, “I’m dealing with a bit of jet lag, so I’m all out of whack. But I don’t care, because I’m so excited for this wedding.”
“Ava, you’re back.”
I spun around and saw Evelyn closing the distance between us, a huge smile on her face.
I beamed at her. “I’m back.”
Ivy’s mom folded me in her arms and held on tight. “Only one week left of the tour, right?”
Nodding, I confirmed, “That’s it.”
“You aren’t heading out on any other tours after this one, are you?” she pressed, an edge of concern in her expression.
Just like a mom. I should have expected as much from her.
I eased her worries. “No. No, even if there was one for me to audition to be part of, I’m taking some time off. It’s been a long sixteen months.”
“That’s good. You deserve a bit of a break.”
I certainly needed it. Fortunately, with little downtime on the tour—and not having the interest in doing a whole lot whenever I had that time—I’d been banking every cent I earned. The money would buy me the time I needed to figure out where my life was going to take me next.
“I’m looking forward to having time to relax for a while.”
She parted her lips to respond, but my attention shifted to the masculine hand that had settled right in the middle of my upper back. Twisting my neck, I looked to the side and saw Malcolm there. “Hey, kiddo. It’s good to have you home.”
I could have cried on the spot. One by one, this family was reminding me why I loved it here so much.
Sliding my arm behind him, I shifted close and gave Ivy’s dad a one-armed hug. “It’s nice to be back. I’ve missed you all so much.”
Malcolm gave my opposite shoulder a squeeze. “Well, you’ve got these two days to do some catching up. And in a week, we’ll have you back for a while.”
He remembered my schedule, too. It was one thing for Ivy and her mom to know, but that Malcolm cared enough to be aware of it meant the world to me.
“We need to celebrate,” Ivy chimed in.
Returning my attention to my best friend, I smiled at her. “Yeah. I think we’ll get enough of that done between today and tomorrow.”
“Not for Wyatt’s wedding, though. You were away for your birthday both this year and last year, so we didn’t get to celebrate. After you finish on tour, we’re going to plan something big.”
My head dropped to the side, my ear settling a few inches above my shoulder. My insides warmed. I didn’t know what I did to deserve Ivy and the rest of her family, but I was grateful for them. They never missed a celebration, and even though I was old enough to not need a birthday party, they didn’t hesitate to throw one for me every year.