Page 61 of Ruthless Moon
I didn’t trust you either. So we’re even.But the fact that Meredith hadn’t trusted me...that hurts a little. Still, I nod and sip my mimosa, acting like it’s nothing, then glance over at Rachel and raise an eyebrow.
She grins, shaking her head in response. “I told them you were. I told them we’d been friends for years.”
“The court is a big deal, I get it now,” I admit, twirling a strand of hair around my fingers. “It’s understandable that the fewer people who know that place exists, the safer.”
Emma dips her chin in a nod, relief relaxing the tight lines of her face. “When this deal with Aiden came around, my mother tried to figure out how to bring you into our circle without alerting your father.”
Ah, that makes more sense.Meredith is very strategic and cautious and my father makes a habit of knowing everything about everyone.
“When did my father find out you and your mother are witches?”
“Finn made an offhand accidental comment and that was all it took. He threatened Finn until I caved and told him the truth.” Her voice falters on the next words. “Your father quickly became obsessed with me and what I could do for him—in business, against his brother, anything really. He was excited that he now had a secret weapon at his disposal.”
A caustic laugh bubbles in my throat and tastes like ash. “Yep, that sounds about right.”
“He...he wouldn’t let me leave the house,” Emma continues, her gaze dropping to the floor. Her fingers tighten around her cup, knuckles turning white. “He told Finn I was too valuable to be allowed to leave. Finn and I tried to flee once, but Oliver found out and...we didn’t dare try again after that.”
I sit a little straighter in my chair. A memory flashes before my eyes—Finn, staggering through the house months ago, with twin shadows of bruises blooming under his eyes. I’d never known my father to physically hurt one of my brothers, so it’d seemed absurd to think that at the time. I’d just assumed he’d gotten into a brawl.
“He beat him, didn’t he?” I was well aware of what it felt like to be on the other side of my father’s fists. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Emma’s eyes glisten. She takes a gulp of her mimosa. “He was going to beat me.” Her voice is barely a whisper. “I think he wanted to see if the bond worked the same way because of what I am.”
“And did you feel my brother’s pain?”
She nods, and a tear falls down her cheek.
“First off, you don’t ever have to apologize for calling my father a monster. He is one. He’s hit me more over the course of my life than he’s hugged me. And he usually does it to—”
“Keep your brothers in check,” Emma finishes for me.
I let out a sigh that sounds like it’s been dragged from the depths of my soul. “I doubt that. My brothers have never tried to protect me. My father simply enjoys hurting me and exerting power. I haven’t pinpointed the true reason. But then again, he never does anything without a specific goal in mind. There’s always a reason. Always a darker selfish intent behind the obvious motive.”
I reach for the bottle on the table and top off my nearly empty glass. “Some of that bacon would be great, if it’s done.”
“Yeah, sure.” Emma puts her glass down and gets up to retrieve the bacon from the frying pan. She places a bowl of nice crispy bacon in the center of the table and sits down opposite me. Rachel takes a small piece from the bowl.
I grab a piece of bacon, the rich, salty fat exploding in my mouth with a flavor that makes me moan. Over the years, I’ve learned to find joy in these simple pleasures—the solitude of my cabin, disappearing into an amazing fantasy book, and the comfort of excellent food.
“Aiden is a good man. He will care for you. He will be kind.”
Emma’s sudden announcement startles me. I look up at her, bacon halfway in my mouth, my wolf growling beneath my skin.Fuck her.Who is she to tell me anything about Aiden? She might be in a crappy situation with Finn, but at least shehasher fated mate.
“Then you marry him,” I say, letting the bitter words slide between my clenched teeth. I put the glass flute on the table so I don’t crush it in my hand.
Emma flinches but holds her ground.
“Gen.” Rachel’s voice washes over me, soft and soothing like a balm. Unfortunately, it does nothing to soothe the ragged edges of my shattering heart.
“I’m losing what should be mine.” I grind out the words, throwing each one at her like a blade. “Don’t you dare tell me howgoodAiden will be for me. You talk about my father like you know him. Like you’ve seen the extent of his evil.”
My wolf rises to the surface, and my vision changes, filtering out extra colors—distractions. I see the sweat on Emma’s brow. I smell her fear. Her heart races in her chest like prey before a predator.
“You. Know. Nothing.” I stand from my chair, my voice echoing in the room. “I’ve committed unspeakable acts to spare myself from my father’s relentless wrath. I’ve been his punching bag since I was old enough to take a hit and get back up off the floor. He’s hated me my entire life and I have no idea why.”
I put my hands on the table and lean closer, putting my face inches from hers. “So don’t you dare tell me what’sgoodfor me. I’m giving upeverythingto save your fucking family and this entire valley from being burned to the ground by my father and uncle.”