Page 80 of Bull Moon Rising
“Me,” Magpie says. “Hawk’s away on a rescue mission.”
“Another?” I blurt out before I can help it. “Seriously?”
She turns to look at me and then shrugs. “Someone needed rescuing and the pay was right. We’re shorthanded on Taurians right now due to the Conquest Moon…but I’m sure you know about that.”
The smug way she says it makes me want to scream…or fall into a puddle of shame. “He’s tired.”
“We’re all fucking tired,” Magpie says in a weary voice. “Work still has to be done.”
I am really starting to dislike her.
I’m also strangely hurt that Hawk left on another mission without saying anything to me. I know it’s just a marriage of convenience, but surely he could say something to me as I head off to the tunnels for the first time? Wish me luck? Tell me he’s going to miss me?
Gods. My head is scrambled over him.
The clerk scribbles something else down and we’re assigned a set of slate-blue flags for our Five. “Lucky” is all he says, not looking up from the book he’s furiously scribbling in. “Bringing any artifacts with you?”
“Just a dowsing rod,” Magpie says.
He looks up and smirks. “Really? That party trick?”
“What’s a dowsing rod?” Mereden asks.
“It’s a stick,” Magpie tells us. “But they say if you have Old Prellian ancestry, you have magic in your blood. The dowsing rod will point you toward whatever you’re looking for.”
“So it’s a stick,” the clerk says flatly, expression deadpan. “You’re bringing a stick.”
“A dowsing rod,” Magpie states again. “Don’t discourage my students.”
“I’m going to write down ‘stick,’ ” the clerk replies. “Any other items to declare?”
Kipp walks up to Magpie and taps on her leg.Tap, tap, tap.
She glances down at him and then nods. “Right. We’ve also got a slitherskin house.”
“Gods help me,” the clerk says, but writes it down anyhow. He slaps the flags down onto the table along with a pass. “Please declare any tunnel with your guild flags. Please do not intrude upon another’s flagged tunnel. Should you run into trouble, activate your beacon and a rescue team will be sent down as quickly as possible.” He grabs a small glass ball with a swirling fog inside it and sets it on the table. “Your beacon. Any questions?”
Magpie scoops up the objects. “None. Thank you. We’re heading for Drop Thirteen.”
His eyes widen as he writes, and I realize it’s not a great choice. “Mmm. Luck to you. You’ll need it…but then again, maybe you won’t. You do have a stick after all.” He smirks.
Magpie ignores him, turning to gesture at us. “Follow me, fledglings.”
The guild clerk waves a hand as we shuffle behind Magpie, carrying our packs. “Next team, move up!”
I’m shoved from behind, my backpack jostling. Someone sticks a foot out and Lark nearly falls on her face. The room fills with male laughter and her face turns apple red with fury. She whirls around, but Mereden grabs her by the arm and drags her away before she can pick a fight. “Let’s just go,” she whispers. “We have better things to do.”
With the pass in hand, Magpie leads us out of the hall and down another corridor. My heart thumps as I realize we’re heading in a direction we’ve never gone before. There are guards down the hall, all of them wearing guild uniforms, and I see tapestries and bird symbols of the great guild masters who came before—Blackwing and Stonebeak, the legendary Stork, and of course, Sparkanos the Swan, the guild founder. Magpie’s symbol is there, too, but it’s small, and for a moment I feel such pride and joy that I’m on her team.
This is my dream.
I’m about to do what I’ve always dreamed of. My heart is in my throat, tears pricking my eyes. My heart feels so full. No matter what else happens, I will cherish this day forever.
There’s another guild member at the end of the hall, and we present our pass to him. “Drop Thirteen, eh? Good luck.”
I glance over at Gwenna, brows furrowed. “Is there something wrong with Drop Thirteen, do you think?”
She shrugs, adjusting her pack as she walks. Her gaze goes to Magpie.