Page 126 of Crave
Later will be the time for more. I’m addicted to her in every way and need my fill.
And I want to show her something.
Maybe teach her a little bit of my crazy.
And give me the ride I need to work out how I break the news, I’ve let it eat at me for too long now.
One last ride.
Song- breathe, mxze
Alexei jumpsoff the couch holding out his hand. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”
Intrigue getting the better of me, I place my palm in his and he helps me up.
I know better than to ask what he’s doing, so I tag along to the garage where he switches on the light.
He grabs a black helmet with a red stripe, and flashes me a smile.
“That new?” I ask.
Excitement dances in his eyes as he nods.
“Yep. Yours.” He holds it out, almost proud of himself.
“You want me to get on the back of that?” I point to his black BMW. Or also known as his baby.
I’ve seen the way he rides, like a maniac, is the best way to describe it.
He steps towards me, holding the gift out in front of him.
“You said you trusted me.” He wiggles his eyebrows in amusement.
“With my life,” I reply. I hold up my finger, so he doesn’t get too excited. “But I’ve seen how you ride that thing.”
As he hovers the helmet over my head, I can feel the weight of it pressing down slightly on my scalp.
“I never have precious cargo on the back. I’d never put you in danger. So, you in?”
My heart flutters, the excitement on his face solidifies my answer. “Yes. No wheelies though.”
He rolls his eyes and secures the strap under my chin.
“Just hold on tight and let your mind be free. When I open her up, the wind crashes against you and all you can hear is the sound of the machine, those nagging voices in here—” He taps on the side of his head. “—they shut up. It’s just you and the road.”
“That sounds peaceful.”
He snaps my visor down and grabs a leather jacket, sliding my arms in before he zips it up.
“It is. And I want you to experience my one calm place. Maybe, it could be our place.”
God my eyes are stinging. He’s adorable. So thoughtful without even realizing it.
I watch him secure his own black helmet. He helps me onto the back of the bike and presses the button to open the garage door. Once he is on, I hold his waist as tight as possible.