Page 42 of Crave
Any news?
This is the hundredth time you asked me today.
But something might have changed.
Well, you’re right.
I’ll be there in ten minutes.
I blowthrough two stoplights on the way to Enzo’s club. I don’t even care. I’m not stopping when there could be news about Lara.
Skidding my motorcycle to a stop in front of the discrete blacked out entrance of his club, Ashes, I run through the main doors.
“Hiya, honey. Where can I direct you?” A scantily clad brunette with a bustier tries to saddle up to me.
“I need to talk to Enzo.” Grabbing a hold of the inside glass door, it doesn’t open.
“Sweetie, this is a member’s only club.” Her bottom lip sticks out in a pronounced pout. “Do you have an appointment?”
I try the handle again, just in case it unlocked in the last thirty seconds. “No. But he knows me.”
“I bet he does, a handsome man like you. Can I get your name?” Her fingers trail down my chest.
I don’t have time for this. Anger ignites in my belly and boils into my chest.
“Open. The. Door.” My breathing comes in deep heaves.
“Just give me your name, hun. I’ll make sure he gets the?—”
A chair with steel legs makes a great way to shatter a window.
Another swing, and the slivers splinter away enough I can reach through and open the latch from the inside.
The glass crunches under my boots before I stride inside the dim foyer.
“You can’t go in there!” she screams after me.
Two big, burly guys come running from the office and leap at me.
One drops when I connect my helmet with his face.
Beast number two wraps me in a bear hug.
Fuck, I can barely breathe.
Lashing my head back, I connect with his broad nose. There’s a crack and a rush of hot fluid that runs down my neck.
He drops me with a grunt.