Page 47 of Crave
“Fucking bitch,” he grunts. “Fine, I’ll make you take it.”
A metallic grating sound hits my ears just as the blinding pain explodes from my mouth.
Now I look.
The handle of a knife protrudes from my cheek where he twists the blade, forcing my chin down.
Both of my wrists are cuffed when I try to move them.
Screaming around the blood pouring into my throat, it bubbles down my chest.
He doesn’t pause, but takes a thick tube and shoves it past my teeth and over my tongue, gagging me as he pushes it further.
“Pour the shit in,” Kirill says over his shoulder to the other man.
The clown pops the top of a protein shake and dumps it messily into the tube.
My stomach tries to seize at the intrusion, twisting against the foreign food.
Trickles of it run down the outside of the plastic and mix with the blood on my lips in a chalky tang.
The empty can rattles against the wall when he throws it, then the length of tubing is ripped out of me.
I want to puke.
“No you don’t.” Kirill stuffs a pillow behind my head, then grabs a roll of thick duct tape next to him. “If you hurl that shit up, you’re gonna choke to death. Eat up, Volkov. You don’t get off that easy.” He sticks a long piece over my mouth that wraps over the wound in my cheek.
He wipes his crimson stained hands on my mattress and sheathes his blade. “I’m going to start cutting off fingers and toes and shoving them down your gullet if you decide to keep testing me.”
Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to wish my belly to stop being as queasy as he slams the door shut behind him.
I thought I had an out.
Shit my face hurts.
How bad is it?
Now, I’ll be even more hideous. No one is coming to get to me.
I’m not sure what I’m clinging to.
Song- Self-Destruction, I Prevail
I’m notsure what I’m looking for.
The text I got from an unknown number just said to wait on this corner. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
Where are you?
I can’t tell you.