Page 1 of The Moment Promised
Ilike to play this game inside my head where I go back in time to whatever stupid thing I’ve done and undo it.In this case, I wouldn’t have pressed the lock button in my ancient car while the keys were still inside before starting my eight-hour shift.
If I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t be in my current predicament.
A dark parking lot. Alone.
With a can of pepper spray…that’s locked in my car along with the keys.
I might as well hold up a neon sign that readsKidnap me, please!
I close my eyes and curse my past self for not realizing her keys weren’t occupying the pocket of her black pants like they do every shift. At least then I could’ve asked a coworker for a ride home.
I could go back into Pete’s, but I have a feeling my boss—Pete—wouldn’t be too happy to find me snoring in one of the booths when he opens tomorrow. If he knew one of his employees was left stranded in the parking lot, he’d be so guilt ridden. Especially since he’s the one who always closes. Me closing todayis a one-time thing since he needed to leave early for a doctor’s appointment, and I insisted he take the rest of the day off.
I have two options. I can walk two miles to my house in the pitch black, or I could stand my five-foot four self on the side of the road with my thumb up, and pray I’ve done enough good deeds to get picked up by a nice family on their way home from church.
Considering it’s Friday, and nearing midnight, the latter option’s not looking very plausible.
A salty breeze whips my auburn hair up and around my head. It rattles theWelcome to The Florida Keyssign, which would’ve startled me if the streetlamp losing power hadn’t beaten it to it.
Grab your keys andthenlock your car, Adeline!
The summer’s heat still scalds me in the dead of night. Headlights flood the dark, followed by a car door slamming shut.
There are footsteps against the gravel.
They belong to the presence behind me, nearing frighteningly fast. My fight or flight response must be broken because my body freezes, and my scream lodges in my throat the way it does in a nightmare, as firm hands grip my small shoulders. I’m about to squeeze my eyes shut, but before I do, a familiar voice eases my terror.
“Adeline Miller, what the hell are you doing outhereatthishour?” He spins me around in one swift movement, making my stomach swoosh.
It’s hard to make him out in the dark, but the moonlight casts a dark blue shadow across his dimpled smile.
“Finn!” I shriek, squeezing his torso and sighing in relief.
After only a few short moments of hugging my best friend, he pushes me an arm’s length away from him with an expectant look on his face. “What are you doing out here, in the dark, alone?”
I sigh. “I locked my keys in my car,” I say, ashamed.
He shakes his head a few times and pulls me back into our hug.
“How did you know I’d be at Pete’s?” My question cuts into the silence.
“Your car wasn’t at home, so, I figured you’d be at work.” He suddenly shudders at whatever image haunts his imagination. “You’re lucky I got here when I did.”
I’d rather not imagine myself lifeless with yellow caution tape drawing attention to the scene, so I change the subject to catching up over how long it’s been since we last saw each other—five weeks. “Two months sooner than I expected to see you. Why aren’t you at FSU?” I cross my arms and tap my foot, switching the judging gaze onto him.
“I was failing economics.” He shrugs. “So, I dropped the class before it could mess up my GPA.” He turns and walks toward his car, still talking.
I take fast strides to keep up with his long legs.
“I was only taking the one class, and a stupid elective to get the credit. I figured it was a waste of time to stay up there for just the elective at this point.” He pulls a car key out of his pocket and unlocks the car with the press of a button. “So, you have me all to yourself for the next two and a half months.”
I can’t ignore the smile that overtakes my face.
His hand skims the small of my back as I near the passenger side of his black car. His forearm grazes my shoulder as he reaches past me to open my door.
I slide onto the red leather seat. I bite my cheeks as he holds firm eye contact until he’s at the driver’s side door, scooting in next to me.