Page 1 of Marked By the Alphas
Chapter 1
My lungs burned like embers and I could hear the sound of my own ragged breath in my ears as I ran through the woods. The branches whipped at my face, tearing at the flimsy fabric of my dress, but I knew I couldn’t stop. Behind me, the rhythmic thud of boots echoed through the silent night.
“Over here! Don’t let her escape. Silas wants her back alive!” I heard the shout from a distance as it pierced through the woods, and it pushed me to force my legs to go faster.
They were looking for me and if they caught me, it would be the end of my life.
A choked sob escaped my lips as I stumbled. My legs were starting to feel like lead, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go on. It was as if the universe was against me because I tripped.
Falling face-first into the unforgiving earth seemed to take away the last of my strength, and I whimpered, desperation clawing at my chest. Briefly, I considered collapsing, surrendering to the inevitable. But the image of Silas' cruel smile, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure, and the thought of what he would do to me if I were ever caught spurred me on. I forced myself to my feet.
In this moment, I wished to be able to transform into my wolf and allow her to take over, but Silas had made sure to sever my connection with her. I could still feel her presence, but our bond was weak at best.
My vision blurred and I shook my head to try to clear it, but it only seemed to get worse. I couldn’t tell how long I had been running, but I knew I couldn’t go on for much longer. Desperation numbed my fear, but my body was failing me, I could see white spots start to dance in front of my eyes.
“She’s close by. Her scent is stronger around here. This way, come on.” The voices were closer than I had expected and it was enough to pump some more adrenaline into me, forcing me to move faster.
A sliver of moonlight momentarily broke free from the oppressive cloak of clouds, illuminating a dark maw in the distance. A cave. Hope flickered to life inside me. I knew I couldn’t go on for much longer and I needed to hide. With a final surge of adrenaline, I lurched toward the opening, the damp earth sucking greedily at my bare feet, making movement even harder.
Scrambling through the opening, I collapsed onto the unforgiving stone floor, my chest heaving. The darkness was a thick cloak, muffling the sounds of my pursuers but pressing down on me with a suffocating weight. I closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion seep into my bones.
I knew this darkness wouldn't hide me for long. Soon, someone or something would find me, but I couldn’t go on any longer. I let myself succumb to the darkness.
Hours Earlier…
The scent of jasmine oil hung heavy in the air, a sickly-sweet counter to the nervous tremor in my hands. Beside me, Naya, my best friend, hummed a jaunty tune that worsened my anxiety. She looked perfectly okay on the outside, but I could see the tremor in her fingers as she applied her concealer. It was identical to mine.
“Silas said we’re entertaining 'special guests' this time,” Naya said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. “Do you think…?” She trailed off as she spoke, almost as if she was too scared to say the words.
I didn't need to hear the rest though. I understood exactly what she was trying to say. Silas' “special guests” were never good news. Tonight, however, the air crackled with a different kind of tension.
“Maybe, he really does have special guests this time. You know, distinguished guests that he wants to impress,” I said, in an attempt to put her at ease.
Even though I didn’t believe the words myself. Naya’s lips curled into a small smile, one that didn’t seem to reach her eyes.
“Then wouldn’t it be a little strange that he’s making us doll up and dress in these beautiful dresses?” she asked, running her fingers over the silk dress she was wearing. The gowns had been carefully tailored to fit us. When she raised her head, her sad eyes mirrored mine and I moved to pull her into a hug.
A little strange? This entire life we’d known was all based on strangeness. We had been raised as weapons, honed to a razor's edge, then used to eliminate Silas' enemies at glittering galas like tonight's. It was a dance we had been forced to perfect and all of it never failed to feel strange.
“What if we ran away though?” I whispered into her hair, squeezing her tightly as a shiver ran through her frame. She pulled out of the hug and looked up at me with wide eyes.
Over the last few years, a seed of rebellion had taken root in my mind. It sprouted from the countless nights spent luring and manipulating men and women based on Silas’ orders to their deaths. The brutal training session with Silas, the lavish galas, the special guests, the meticulously planned assassinations, keeping my wolf repressed, every one of these things I had collected in my mind. My memories had built the foundation of my thirst for freedom.
“Are you crazy? We would never make it very far and Silas will have our heads the very moment we’re found and brought back. How could you even think of such a thing?” Naya whisper-yelled at me and I swallowed.
“I’m sorry. It’s just a thought that ran through my mind. It’s not something I’d ever consider. I understand how dangerous it is.” I said softly, my gut twisting as I spoke.
Naya took my hands into hers and she forced me to look at her.
“You can’t be thinking such things, Elara. I know it sounds tempting, but you will never make it if you try to escape and Silas would never forgive you,” she said, shaking me gently and I gulped, nodding my head in response.
How could I tell her that it was all that I could think about? How could I tell her that I had spent the last couple of years learning every curve, every nook and cranny of Silas’ castle, waiting for the perfect time and chance?
“Hey, listen to me, Elara. I know that look, I had it in my eyes for years and years, but soon enough, you’ll realize that it’s hopeless. This is the only home we’ve ever known, where would you go if you were to run away?” Naya asked, her voice still a whisper even when we were the only two people in the room.
“I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot. If there’s a chance that you could one day escape from here, be free, maybe even fall in love with a kind man who wouldn’t manipulate you to do his bidding, have a nice family, a normal life, far away from all of this, wouldn’t you want to take the chance?”