Page 20 of Heart Like Yours
“If that were true, you would have actually shown up and done what you’re being paid to do,” Garrett states smoothly and as much as I want to laugh, I smother the urge and shoot him a warning glare. Before I can speak, Brandon shoves out of his seat, panting angrily as he jabs his pointer toward Garrett.
“What do you know? You’re just another rich man at the top, casting his judgment and deciding someone isn’t worth his time and kicking them to the curb.”
My brows pull together, confused by the picture he’s painting of Garrett. Yeah, he’s the owner of a very successful company, and it’s no secret he has investments in other businesses as well, but he’s also the most down-to-earth man I’ve ever known.
Brandon steps forward, bumping into the desk and making me grateful I put some separation between them. I jump up, step to the side, and place myself in front of Garrett so that Brandon is forced to look at me instead.
“Okay, let’s all take a deep breath. Nothing is going to change the fact that this job is not the right fit for you.”
“Fuck this,” he says but doesn’t move from his spot.
Warmth at my back tells me that Garrett now stands behind me, but I refuse to look away from Brandon’s menacing stare.
“Security will meet you at the elevator to collect your badge and see you out,” Garrett says, finally stepping around the desk and toward the door. Brandon doesn’t move. He simply glares down at me for longer than I expected before turning on his heel and mumbling under his breath.
As he passes Garrett, I hold my breath, waiting to see if this is going to escalate even further before he storms out. Brandon’s curses trail behind him as he leaves, drawing the attention of everyone in the office as he storms out.
I figured he would be upset, but not once did it cross my mind that he would be angry, let alone hostile.
“Well, that escalated quickly,” I whisper.
Slowly, Garrett closes my office door again before turning to me. I’m momentarily stunned at just how uneasy he looks. His chest rises and falls heavily, while his wide, panicked eyes bounce between mine.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he pleads.
“Do what? Fire someone?” I laugh awkwardly and tug at the edge of my ponytail. “Pretty sure that won’t be the last time I have to do that.”
Garrett shakes his head and closes the distance between us, stopping only when there’s a foot of space separating us.
“Don’t ever place yourself between me and danger. Promise me.”
I blink up at him in surprise.
“I didn’t…Brandon wasn’t dangerous. He was just?—”
“Angry. He was a firework waiting to be lit.” He reaches up, gently pulling my hair from my fingers and tucking it over my shoulder. I hold my breath as he then runs the back of his knuckles softly over my cheek. “I can handle the burn. What I could never bear is if you had been hurt.”
Swallowing around the lump that has formed in my throat, I resist the desire to lean into him. “He wasn’t going to hurt me. Or you.”
“He could have.”
“But he didn’t.” I don’t know who I’m trying to reassure. Me or him. The vulnerability that lingers in his eyes makes me want to wrap him in my arms and tell him everything is okay.
Instead, I step back, creating space between us and instantly missing his closeness.
“He’s gone now. One less problem to worry about as we focus on moving forward.” I attempt to lighten the mood, but Garrett only nods, worry still etched into his features as he watches me. It sets my nerves on edge to see his handsome face twisted like this.
“You didn’t promise.”
I playfully scoff. “I can’t promise anything. I tend to get defensive over people I care about.”
“Paige.” He pleads my name, and it takes everything in me not to cave.
“I won’t promise anything.” I hold up a finger when he opens his mouth to protest. “But if we ever find ourselves in actual danger, I’ll give you a five-second head start to step forward first.”
He runs a hand over his face and lets out a heavy breath.
“I get the feeling you’re going to give me a run for my money.”