Page 7 of Releasing Reenie
“I told you what would happen should you be late again, hm?”
Mira nodded, her throat working with another swallow. “Yes, Ma’am.”
“I’m invested in your success, Mira. Is there a reason you were late again? Did I not give you a suitable amount of time to finish it?”
“Both your assignment and Professor Holland’s were due the same day. I spent more time on his assignment because I’m not as solid in his class. And he’s new here.”
Professor Holland.
For a moment, the name stopped me in my tracks, as a knot formed in my stomach. But I pushed the panicky feeling away. There was no reason to believe that Professor Holland wasmyProfessor Holland. No reason to believe it was Trent.
“Did you get that one in on time?” I asked, genuinely interested.
Her expression looked pained when she nodded. “I did.”
“Have you been late with any of his assignments before?”
“No, Ma’am. But this was our first. I was given special permission from Master Derek to take on the extra class when he opened it.”
“What would he say if he knew you’d been falling behind in my class?”
Mira’s brows knitted and she chewed her lip. “He might not have let me join the new class and I really need it on my transcript.”
“Well, regardless of our issues, I’m at least glad you’re eager to learn.” I gave Mira a soft smile. I wasn’t a hardass and I didn’t punish my students for fun. I really did care.
Drumming my fingers on my desk, I stared at the young woman, deciding how I wanted to go about her punishment.
“Miss Wilcox, I have one more question before we begin. How do you feel about spending an hour on Sunday evening each week, going through your schedule and organizing your planner for optimum success?”
Her eyes widened and appreciation spread on her lips. “Really? You’d help me like that?”
I nodded.
“Then, yes, please. I’d be so grateful.”
“Okay, well you’re definitely going to be paddled today, and it won’t be pleasant,” I said, folding my fingers together on the desk. Her grimace hit me in the chest. Poor girl. “But I’m doing it for your own good, do you understand? And I hope with my extra help, this will be the last punishment you receive for a tardy assignment. From me or anyone else.”
Her lip trembled so she bit it, holding it steady for a moment before speaking. “It will, Professor Stahlbaum. It will. I appreciate how fair you’ve always been. You’ve given me more than enough chances.”
“I have,” I agreed, standing and reaching out to touch her shoulder. “This is the third paper you’ve turned in late this semester. And I told you this was coming should it happen again. I’m glad you’re accepting your punishment like a good girl.” Releasing her, I walked to the oak armoire where the service subs kept me well-stocked in implements and opened the doors.
Looking through the contents, I decided on a thick maple paddle. One I knew stung when it hit, and then instead of fading, the sting grew far worse for several seconds before easing. I knew this because I’d tested everything in the armoire on myself.
“How do you feel about paddlings, Miss Wilcox?” I asked, my heels clicking briskly on the floor as I came to stand behind her.
“Not good.”
“Not good as in, they’re a good tool for punishment, or not good as in, they’re a hard limit?”
“They’re not a hard limit, ma’am.” She shook her head, her blonde hair moving over her shoulders.
I knew this, I was thorough in my perusal of her consent file, but I liked to check verbally even though everyone is required to keep their file?their likes, dislikes, and limits, both hard and soft?up to date.
“Right then. Your safeword?”
The corners of my mouth tightened in a hidden smile. Mira really was quite adorable. Someone I’d play with in the Dungeon if she weren’t my student.