Page 39 of Everyone Loved Her
“You justwanteveryone to think you killed her, don’t you? Your dad even left you off the statement I gave, G.” The use of his nickname on her lips made his chest grow tight. “Why? Why is he trying to cover for you? What did youdo?” Her voice broke as she shook her head, her auburn hair cascading past her shoulders as it came loose from the hair tie.
“I didn’t do anything,” he urged, taking a step closer to her, close enough to catch the door as she tried to pull it shut. “Beth, I wouldn’t hurt Sarah. She was my…friend.She was one of the only allies I had in this stupid place.”
“Yeah, she mentioned you the night I saw her, along with all the other guys she was dating,” Beth shot back at him, her expression cold and eyes dark. “Again, I’m not an idiot.”
“You’re really gonna believe whatever people tell you, aren’t you?” Garrett fired back at her, his own exasperation hardening his voice. “You knowwhySarah invited you to drinks, huh? Because she knew I couldn’t let you go, Elizabeth. I’veneverbeen able to letyougo.” He couldn’t stop the words from pouring out. “Sarah was my only friend in this town, and the only person who could look at me and not think about the rumors that ruined my life. But you,” he looked away from her, shaking his head, “Youdisappeared the moment you could, and left me to deal with the repercussionsalone.”
“It was an accident.”
“It was yourbrother’sfault I wrecked that truck,” Garrett roared, his voice causing her to flinch. “Because your brother was pissed at me for being withyou.He jerked that damn wheel as hard as he could, but you’ve chosen to forget that—or do you just notwantto remember it? He was being an idiot, telling me that he was gonna get me back, wreck my brand-new truck for being with you behind his back.”
“He was drunk, Garrett,” Beth choked on a sob. “He didn’t know what he was doing.”
“You’re right,” Garrett leaned down, glaring at her. “But that didn’t stop them booking me for vehicular manslaughter, did it? I’m a felon. I didn’t have a license fortenyears, and you know whatyouwere doing in that time? Getting married, playing hot-shot criminal defense attorney, and living likenothinghad happened—like you weren’t the one who made me put him in the front seat.”
“This is petty,” Beth snapped at him. “You got married, too.”
Garrett burst into dry laughter. “Out ofeverythingI just said, you focus on the fact that I got married? Wow, yeah. I got married. I got married to the first woman who offered to give me the time of day, because I was lonely, drunk, and trying to forget aboutyou.I didn’t get to move off and act like nothing happened. I had to stay and face it day in and day out.”
“Just because I wasn’t here, didn’t mean I didn’t face it,” Beth said quietly. “And none of that changes the fact that you shouldn’t have that gun.”
“Alright,” Garrett’s voice was curt. He pushed off the car door and stalked back across the yard, reaching up onto the railing and grabbing the pistol. He ejected the magazine andemptied the chamber, letting the bullet fall to the ground as he made his way back to her. “Here, Miss Lawyer.” He tossed it to her lap. “There you go. Nowyoucan leave, too. Never mind the fact that Ty was going to destroy your hundred-thousand-dollar car.”
“Garrett…” Beth looked back up at him. “I…”
“No,” he stopped her. “You showed up here. You wanted to talk. You wanted to kiss me and wreck my head—and then you have the nerve to make me out to be the bad guy. I’ll never regret loving you, but I’llalwaysregret listening to you.”
Beth’s eyes dropped to the pistol in her lap. “I won’t turn it in.”
Garrett laughed, shaking his head. “Wow, thanks. I really appreciate that, honey, but I’m sure you’ll hand it to Blaze if he bats his lashes for it.”
“Stop being like that,” Beth sniffled, batting her tears away. “There’s just a lot happening right now.”
“Yeah, I get it. And as you noticed tonight, I have enough on my plate…” His voice trailed off as another pair of headlights passed his house. He still had a shotgun hidden under his bed, and he wouldn’t be giving that one up. He then shifted his gaze back to her, finding her watching him closely. He sighed, forever moved by those sea-green eyes. “You need to stay out of town, Beth. Whether fair or not, I’m linked to Sarah’s murder in the mind of a lot of people around here, and not a single one of them would be upset if I turned up dead.”
“Can’t you just tell the police where you were that night?” Beth’s question struck a nerve, and he swallowed hard, as he forced himself to admit the truth.
“I would, if I could remember.”
Fresh tears rolled down Beth’s cheeks. “Why?”
Garrett gave her a pained look. “I don’t know. I was too drunk. Woke up at home in my bed. I never go home when I’ve been drinking…unless Sarah takes me.”
“Stop talking,” Beth groaned, starting her car. “Just stop. You need to get an attorney, sooner rather than later. With all the rumors…”
“No, we can’t be around each other.” She shook her head. “I was one of the last people to see her, andeveryonehas always associated me with you.”
“Beth, please,” he reached out and touched her shoulder, gathering his courage. “I need you to do something for me. It might answer a lot of questions—and clear me—but it’s going to soundreallybad.”
She sighed. “What is it?”
“There’s a cell phone down at Hollow Creek Bridge. I found it today?—”
“Why the hell were you there?” Beth demanded. “Why would you go to the scene of the murder…You have to be kidding me.”
“It’s not just about Sarah,” he snapped at her. “You know what that bridge is to us.”