Page 27 of Brick
More than twenty-four hours of insidious nausea reminded Liv why she didn’t often overindulge in alcohol. But by Tuesday evening, the punishing aftermath from her night of drinking had subsided enough for her to return to the gym. Thank God, because Izzy didn’t cut her any slack. In fact, she rode her harder than her other instructor ever did.
When she said so, Iz muttered something about Eduardo being a pussy and demanded ten more push-ups. The work-out kicked her ass as much as the hangover did. Almost.
The cardio and strength training were only warm-ups, though. “We’re going to spar tonight, Liv. You ready to show me what you’ve got?”
Like before, the only thing in the room, aside from her and her sister, was a slightly padded mat. There was nowhere to hide from Izzy’s enthusiasm, and the single metal door was the only escape from the interior whitewashed brick walls.
Using the back of her wrist, she wiped away the sweat pouring from her forehead. Iz barely appeared ruffled from their thirty minutes of exertion. “Somehow I think I’m going to regret this.”
“Hush. The only way to see what you’ve learned is to put it to the test.” Iz waved her forward. “Come at me.”
Studying her sister, she searched for an opening. Iz appeared relaxed, but underneath lurked a jungle cat…all lazy-limbed and laid back—until she ripped your face off your fucking head. Still, like an idiot, she took a swing. Iz batted her away like a fly.
This time, she stepped in and tried to take Iz with an elbow to the chest, but her sister stepped deftly aside and swept out her leg, knocking her down to all fours. Then for good measure, Iz gave a gentle kick to her sore midsection.
As she climbed to her feet, her face heated. This shit was getting old. Gritting her teeth, she launched a kick toward Izzy’s knee, but a fast-moving foot blocked her path. She didn’t wait before taking her next swing, but her sister countered.
She thought she could move out of the way. She moved into the path of her sister’s fist.
The impact made light flash in her eyes.
She couldn’t remember anything ever hurting so much. “You fucking hit me!” Her stomach rolled, her lunch threatened to decorate her shoes, and Izzy didn’t even have the decency to look sorry about it.
She covered her left eye, tears pouring down her cheeks.
“You stepped into my fist, dummy.” Bitch didn’t act even a little bit sorry, but she did put an arm around her shoulders. “I guess you’ve suffered enough for tonight.”
“I hate you. I’m going over to Carol’s tonight, and now I look like a punching bag.”
Izzy laughed. “It’s only a little red. Wait a few minutes. It will fade, and all you’ll have left is a little injured pride.” Her sister maneuvered her toward the door. “I’ll take you to Carol’s, and you can tell her all about how mean I am.”
Thank God she didn’t have to drive. She only wanted to close her eyes…and maybe whimper a little. In the five minutes it took to get to Carol’s apartment, her eye had swollen so much she couldn’t open it. This would not go over well at school.
Once they got to the porch and into the light, Iz couldn’t hide her wince. “Yeah. That’s gonna leave a mark. I’m sorry, Nugget.” She rang the bell, and Carol’s eyes were wide as saucers when she opened the door.
“Maybe I should be glad I’m an only child.”
Izzy lifted her hand in a one-finger salute before heading back to her car.
Carol led her into the living room before continuing to the kitchen. She pulled an ice pack out of the freezer, then tossed it toward the couch. Liv swiped it from the cushion beside her and gently held it to her face.
Carol handed her a bottle of water. “I don’t have any booze.”
The very thought of alcohol made her groan. “No booze. No way. No how.” She didn’t even want the water. She set it on the coffee table.
Carol curled up next to her on the sofa. “Uh oh. You got sick? I didn’t realize you drank so much. Did you have more after I left?”
She glared with her one good eye. “You left? I thought you said you were stalking me.”
“I waited outside in my car and followed you two back to your place. Call it stalking if you want, but if he was a serial killer, you would be glad I’m bad with boundaries.”