Page 73 of Brick
“It’s hard not to.”
“Heh. Hard, huh? Well, maybe we should head to a bar and order a stiff drink.”
He caught on. “I like it. I could go for something wet right about now.”
“Maybe Sex on the Beach? Or we could do shots. I always did love sucking back a creamy Blow Job.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “I give up. Unless you want me to embarrass us both by having you right here in the parking lot, I suggest you accept your victory and allow me to keep some dignity.”
She speared another forkful, then held it up to her mouth. “Where’s the fun there?”
He grabbed her hand and wrapped his lips around her fork. His tongue peeked out in the process, raising the hair on the back of her arms. “Someday soon I’m going to find out what you taste like, Livie-mine.” His voice came out so deep and gravelly, he barely sounded like himself.
She thrilled at the possessive nickname he used when she turned him on. “How long are we going to keep teasing each other?” she whispered. Dozens of people milled around the cars outside, but it was getting harder to remember they were in public.
A text chimed on his phone before he could answer. He grimaced as he checked the screen. “All good things must come to an end.” Dropping his fork in the bag they used for trash, he signaled dessert was over.
It had to be his boss calling.
She drooped as she swallowed one more bite. There was still a little pie left, but she’d lost her appetite. Of course, she knew this day couldn’t last forever, but it didn’t make it any better when reality reared its ugly head. Neither of them spoke as she shoved the remainder of the food into the bag and buckled her seatbelt.
They drove for a while in silence. After about ten minutes, he turned on the radio, the volume barely loud enough to hear. Scott Weiland crooned about being half the man he used to be.
She leaned back on the seat and closed her eyes, soaking in the warmth of the sun through the window. Stone Temple Pilots gave way to Staind, and she hummed along.
And Jonathan’s low baritone joined in with Aaron Lewis.
She blinked.
His voice was beautiful, though he kept it low, and his focus stayed planted firmly on the road in front of him the entire time he sang. She held her breath, staring, mesmerized by him. She’d grown up on car-karaoke, but she’d bet a week’s pay it wasn’t something Jonathan usually did in front of anyone.
Warmed, she unbuckled, slid to the center of the bench, and snuggled into his side. His arm came down around her shoulder. “We’re going to figure this out. I’m not going to let you go.”
Pressed against his body, she barely noticed as they drove into her apartment complex. Jonathan insisted on walking her inside.
She’d barely opened the door when she came face to face with Izzy. “What are you doing here?” It came out an octave or two too high. No one was supposed to be in her apartment, and seeing someone—even her sister—shook her more than she cared to admit.
“Just picking up the boots you stole from me to bring on my trip.” Iz held up the footwear in question.
She wrinkled her nose, her heart rate returning to normal. “I didn’t steal them. I borrowed them.”
Iz shoved them into the duffel bag hanging from her shoulder.
“Hey, before you go, I want to officially introduce you to someone.” She tilted her head from her sister to the quiet man beside her. “This is my sister, Isobel. Iz, this is Jonathan.” His eyes widened at the use of his given name. It looked like it would take some getting used to.
Izzy didn’t hesitate. Her sister reached out and grasped his hand in a firm handshake, then gave her a chastening look. “I did see him at the gym, you know.”
“You did such a good job ignoring him, I wasn’t sure.”
Iz grunted and returned her attention to Jonathan. “My sister says you saved her ass the other night.”
He gave a short nod. “I guess I did.”
Iz tilted her head. “Of course, my brother says you’re nothing but trouble.”
“Also true.”
Izzy tugged on his hand and pulled him closer. Pure flint reflected in her ice-blue eyes. “Are you going to take care of her—or am I going to have to take care of you?”