Page 93 of Brick
The minute Brick followed Olivia into her apartment, he had to touch her. To assure himself in the most basic way she was safe and unharmed. Snatching her into his arms, he molded her body against his.
When she’d called him, he’d known something was wrong. But he forced himself to take the time to track down Tre and make sure he was long gone before allowing himself to run to her rescue. It took even longer because he had to stop and buy four new tires for her car.
Now with her here in his arms, he couldn’t let her go. “Tell me you’re okay,” he gritted.
She’d buried her face in his T-shirt, and the fabric muffled her reply. “Now that you’re with me, I can finally breathe.”
He pulled back enough to scrutinize her face. Her freckles stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. Her lower lip trembled. He needed to make her forget—make himself forget—for just a little while, the threat wasn’t over yet.
Cupping her cheek, he captured her mouth in a kiss. Her lips met his hungrily; she slipped her tongue into his mouth. A hint of mint tickled his senses.
He could never get tired of kissing her. Everything about it felt right, from the firm press of her silken lips to the tiny sounds of pleasure escaping from her throat. He wanted to consume it, hold on to every perfect sensation so he could remember it all later and relive the moment again and again.
Without warning she broke away from the kiss. Grasping his hand, she led him wordlessly to her bedroom. “Unzip me.”
Fumbling with the tiny clasp, he pulled down the tab, revealing the creamy skin of her back. With a slight shimmy of her shoulders, the simple navy dress fell to the floor and pooled at her feet. She unhooked her white bra and dropped it on the pile of fabric before turning to face him, wearing only a tiny pair of white panties.
He ached to trace her beautiful breasts. They were full and firm and swept up to her small, pink nipples.
“I don’t want to wait any more,” she said huskily. “I want to feel you against me. Inside me. I need you.” Her plea took his breath away.
In a heartbeat, he kicked off his boots, stripped away his T-shirt and jeans. His boxer-briefs joined the growing mountain of clothes on the floor in seconds. His cock stood up against his stomach.
Inch by inch, his eyes tracked those tiny panties slipping down her legs, until his Olivia stood bare before him. And finally, there was no more waiting.
Sweeping her up into his arms, he reveled in the skin-to-skin contact. He kissed her like she was the air he breathed. They moved as one toward her unmade bed, and he lowered her to her back. She was a fucking feast laid out in front of him. Lying on top of her, he ran tender kisses along the column of her neck, then moved down to lave attention on her breasts.
“Touch me,” she groaned, her own hands sliding down his back, kneading his skin.
He traced over the hourglass of her figure, from the outside of her ribcage, to her slender waist, down the flare of her hip. Shifting the bulk of his body to the side, his right hand traversed her pelvic bone, ending its journey in the slick warmth between her legs.
“You’re so wet,” he groaned, his middle finger sliding in and out of her pussy, spreading her moisture across her slit.
“I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long. More. Please.”
A second finger joined the first, and her hips rose to meet them. His thumb kept a steady slide over her clit as he fucked her with his fingers.
Without looking, she reached back awkwardly and felt for the drawer of her nightstand. She yanked it open and pulled out a handful of condoms she dropped beside her on the bed.
No words were necessary. He stopped touching her only long enough to slip on his protection, then plunged his aching cock into the heaven between her spread legs. Her wet heat enveloped him.
He should savor something this exquisite, but his body was greedy for the bounty laid out before him. He’d been starving for her too long.
Gripping her shoulder, he thrust with powerful strokes. Her gasping breaths matched his rhythm, and a thin sheen of sweat dotted her forehead. In his fantasies of making love to her, Olivia was always mindless with pleasure. The reality was even better, because her eyes locked on his with laser-like focus.
The magnitude of their connection turned him on even more. He was ready to explode, but one crucial thing had to happen first.
“Come for me, baby,” he whispered, slipping his thumb above the spot where their bodies connected. She cried out, and her body tightened around him. The muscles contracting around his cock pushed him beyond his control. Unable to hold back another second, he came with her, roaring her name. The intensity left him light-headed.
Rolling onto his back, he pulled her onto his chest, his dick still buried deep inside her. He felt her hot tears on his skin, and his stomach dropped. “Did I hurt you?” he asked hoarsely.
She lifted her head. Her eyes were still wet, but a soft smile teased her lips as she rubbed her chest. “Only in the very best way.”