Page 74 of Kane
“We should offer to keep selling our guns to Ace and his crew.”
Kane shook his head mutely. This was exactly what they shouldn’t do. Unfortunately, no one cared what he thought. He cursed himself for not taking the time to talk to each and every brother ahead of the vote, try to convince them one on one. At least this time, his vote would be heard. “I vote nay.”
A dozen heads swiveled sharply in his direction.
“Why not, brother?” Cue Ball tilted his head. “Sounds like a win-win.”
“Because Sergei doesn’t want us in the drug business.” He turned to Frank. “He made it very clear during our last run.”
“You think so, Frank?” Scratch asked, stroking his long goatee.
Frank shrugged uncomfortably. “I didn’t really hear much of what he said. I was checking out the guns when he talked to Kane.”
His face heated. “You questioning my word, Scratch? Since when have I ever lied to you?”
Now it was the older man’s turn to look uncomfortable. He shifted in his seat. “No, I’m not questioning your word. I’m only wondering if you really understood him right.”
Bullshit. “I understood him fine.”
Scott smiled and opened his arms wide. “Even if it’s true, Sergei is a businessman. When we sell his merchandise and give him the money, he’s not going to care where it comes from. Profit is a great motivator.”
“You’re wrong.” Wrong and pigheaded. “I vote nay.”
“It’s a yay for me.” Malcolm’s voice was ice-cold.
“And a yay for me,” Scott echoed.
The other guys shifted in their seats, clearly torn in their allegiance.
“I vote nay,” Cue Ball said quietly.
“Nay,” echoed Frank.
Scratch cleared his throat. “The word of my president is enough for me. Yay.” Every other man followed suit.
“The yays have it.” Malcolm grinned. “Kane, reach out to Ace. Extend the offer.”
Everyone froze. No one told Malcolm no; moreover, no one worked against a club vote. This was no small transgression. He had just given the middle finger to a very sacred code.
Scott banged his fist on the table. “You’re back with your ex-bitch for five minutes, and you’re already turning your back on your brothers. Where’s your fucking loyalty?”
His fingernails dug into the wood. “Thisisloyalty. I love my brothers. I’m not going to be the reason a single one of them ends up dead.”
Scratch scowled. “You were outvoted, son. You’ve got no right to make decisions for the rest of us.”
“I won’t do it.” Damn the consequences. He was no fool…therewouldbe consequences. “I’ll be out back. Y’all do what you have to do.”
He walked to the carport, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. This was a clear violation of club rules, and he’d have to pay the piper. The wait wasn’t long.
Scratch barreled out the door, fists clenched at his side. Kane dug his hands in his pockets and tensed his muscles against his friend’s punch to the gut. The guy fucking pummeled him, cursing after each hit until the next guy stepped in to take his place. Pete was up after him. Then Joe.
Every member of the club had the right to take a pound of flesh, but it seemed Scott was the last one in line. Kane expected him to smile when he threw his first punch, but his brother didn’t look happy at all. In fact, with each hit, his face grew more somber. He stopped at three, though he could have easily claimed more. Kane slid to the ground.
“Why can’t you be on my side?” Scott murmured. “I love you, man.” Shaking his head, he walked away.
Kane curled up, letting the warmth from the space heater wash over him. Everything hurt, but honestly, he’d expected worse.