Page 89 of Kane
No longer listening, she marched straight back to the room her father used as an office. He was bent over the desk, rifling through some papers.
“What did you do, Dad?” She was proud her voice didn’t waver at all.
He didn’t pretend to misunderstand. Straightening, he looked at her coolly. “I did what needed to be done. Kane Hale has been a burr on the heel of this household since the day you met him. I tried to be patient. I tried to let you find your way on your own, but you couldn’t see past your schoolgirl infatuation.”
“It’s not an infatuation. I love him. I always have. Your unwillingness to accept it doesn’t make it any less true.” All it did was reinforce her decision to cut her father out of her life.
“I still have the video, you know.” He gestured vaguely toward his computer. “I warned you way back then there was no statute of limitations on murder. Did you think I was bluffing, darling? Obviously, Mr. Hale made it through the confrontation with his rival motorcycle gang. He’s like a roach,” he muttered. “So obviously, I need to come at this another way. The way I should have years ago. I’ll turn the video over to the authorities.”
“You’ll do no such thing,” she warned.
“Won’t I?” He chuckled. “Tell me, dear daughter, why would I not? You have shown me your word is meaningless. You backed out on our agreement for you to stay away from him, not to mention how you reneged on our deal about Nathan.” He looked over her shoulder. “And speak of the devil.”
Fear pulling her muscles tight, she whirled to face the man she’d hoped never to see again.
“Amanda,” he said smoothly. “So lovely to see you, pet.” All signs of the bruising on his skin had faded to muted yellows and greens.
She took a step back and bumped into her father’s desk. “Stay away from me. There’s a restraining order against you.” Her eyes flicked to her father. “He tried to kill me the last time we saw each other. I told you what happened!”
Nathan laughed and it was a chilling sound. “You do love to exaggerate. Obviously, you’re fine.”
Her dad picked up his keys from the desk. “You two obviously have a lot to work out. I’ve got an appointment.” He narrowed his eyes at Nathan. “I’m sure she’ll still be breathing when I return.”
“I think I can manage.” Nathan patted her father’s shoulder as he passed. “And you can count on my support next November,Governor.”
The door clicked closed after her dad walked out, leaving her alone with the man who almost strangled her to death.
He advanced toward her. “You’ve been a very naughty girl, Amanda. I think it’s time for a long overdue talk.”
Kane stared, dumbstruck, at the small, wrapped package on the clubhouse kitchen table. His mother, even in the depths of her grief, found a way to buy Malcolm a birthday present.
How long had it been sitting there?
He wanted to hurl it against the wall just for existing. He wanted to shake his mother. Punch his father. What the fuck kind of circular pointless existence did they all live in where this shit never, ever changed?
His hand curled to snatch it, when someone beat on the front door. Was it the cops? David Bennett? The Russians? Only one way to find out.
He pulled open the door. “Brick? What are you doing here?”
“Repaying a favor.” The big man barged in. “I heard about your brother, man. I’m sorry.”
He gaped. “How do you even know? How did you find me?”
“You forget I used to be part of this world,” Brick scoffed. “You weren’t really hard to find. Listen, your girl called me.”
“Mandy?” An irrational jolt of jealousy shot through him.
“Don’t look at me like I’m trying to steal her, dumbass. I have my own woman.” Brick pushed his shoulder. “Listen, you came to me once when Olivia was scared for me. I was in a world of hurt, and you really helped me out. Now your girl is worried about you. You’re in a dark place, a very dark place. The thing is, there’s a bigger reason I’m here. I think you might need to be worried abouther.She went to go confront her father.”
He had cocked his arm back to return the forceful tap to Brick’s shoulder, but he dropped his hand when the words registered. “He wouldn’t hurt her.”
Brick shrugged. “I wouldn’t put anything past him.” He rubbed his neck uneasily. “I didn’t get into the details of this with you before because I didn’t think it would help any. But after I dragged her ex off the build site—the day he hurt her—he was spouting off in the truck, saying the mayor was his bitch. Apparently, Amanda’s dad wants to be governor, and he thinks her ex can give him the keys to the kingdom. The dude said flat out he could do anything he wanted to her as long as she was still breathing when he was done.” His hands balled into fists. “Took all I had not to beat his ass all over again, but I thought he was only making noise, you know? Now your girl’s walking back into her father’s house. You trust him not to sell her out again?”
Not a chance.