Page 95 of Kane
“And Scott? What about justice for my son?”
Beau folded his arms. “I guess you forfeited justice when you made a deal with the devil.”
“I hate you,” Malcolm seethed.
“Get in line.” Beau flipped open his laptop and punched a few buttons. He pulled a flash drive out of a drawer and in minutes handed it over to Malcolm. “Call them back.” He stood and pointed to his cheek. “But first, make it look convincing.” He grinned. “Here’s your big chance.”
Malcolm didn’t hesitate. Rearing back, he clocked Beau so hard the man stumbled back. Then he pulled out his phone, presumably to call back the cavalry.
Kane and his girl were the first ones back in the room. Malcolm held up the flash drive. “I’ve got it. Let’s get out of here.”
Amanda wrinkled her forehead. “Just like that? What if he has another copy?”
Malcolm snarled. “Then he knows I’ll kill him. Right, Mr. Mayor?”
Beau nodded in such apparent misery he deserved an Academy Award.
Without waiting for anyone to agree, Kane’s father stomped out the door.
Amanda linked her hand with Kane’s and shot her dad an inscrutable look. “He really will kill you, you know. Kane is the only child he has left. Meanwhile, you have none. We are finished,Beau. Good luck with your run for governor. You’ll understand if you don’t get my vote.”
Kane rode back to Amanda’s condo in her car. He’d come in on the back of his friend’s bike. It was a quiet drive; they both had a lot to process.
When they finally got inside her place, she was all too happy to change into some fresh clothes before offering to make them both lunch.
Kane flashed her a small smile. “I’m still getting used to the idea you can cook. But let me do it. I need to take care of you.”
He laid out the roast beef, mayo, and bread on the counter and began assembling their meal.
“What now?” Her voice didn’t sound quite as casual as she would have liked, but it would have to do.
“What do you mean?” Carefully, he smeared the bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise, then piled the shaved meat on top.
“The danger to your club is over. You’ve got your revenge. We’ve got the video. So now what? For us? For you?”
He put the top layer of bread on the sandwich and handed her a plate.
She carried it to the table and sat down.
“You’re asking about the club.” He stayed standing at the counter and took a bite of his food. His shoulders hunched. “The million-dollar question, isn’t it?” He bit into his sandwich again and chewed, a blank expression on his face. “I know how you feel about it. Part of me feels the same way. Even with the shit your dad pulled, he couldn’t have done it if we hadn’t given him the means ourselves.”
She knew it was risky to ask about club business. It would be so easy to keep filling her mouth with food rather than cross the invisible line into MC territory. But either they were past this or they weren’t. She opened her mouth to ask for more information, but Kane beat her to the punch.
He sighed. “The club is involved in some bad shit, babe. Guns. Drugs. Hell, we even did a murder for hire once.”
Her stomach dropped.
“Notme. I mean, I didn’t kill anyone for money. But I did kill the man who killed my brother. He’s the only one. You need to understand, and you need to be sure it’s something you can live with if we’re going to make this work.”
She didn’t examine it too closely, but she could understand it.
After her nod, he continued. “I want to go straight. I want to marry you and be a part of your family.” His cheeks darkened. “I want to have children with you and be the kind of dad our kids can respect and look up to.”
“I want the same thing,” she whispered.