Page 48 of Deadly Peril
Chapter 14
From the bed with Jana sleeping beside him, Thaddeus stared out the window at the snowy mountains. The evening had been memorable, and Jana had been irresistible. He hadn’t been able to get enough of her, so he’d made love to her, long into the night.
The first time had been passionate and needy. But then Thaddeus had slowed it down, taken his time giving Jana pleasure. And gaining his own satisfaction, too. He’d discovered a flame of desire deep within her that ignited a fire in him. His body still hummed from the experience.
Thaddeus hadn’t held back, but had been more open and intimate than he could recall. He’d felt more with Jana, physically and emotionally, than he had in a long time—maybe ever. The interludes had shaken his world and moved him in the deepest part of his being.
Jana had welcomed his affections, had craved the closeness. She’d told him so. And her actions showed the truth of her words. Thaddeus had relished the hot sex, and Jana’s lust for him had been beyond compare.
It had been fortunate that he carried condoms, as sometimes clients needed them. A celebrity or VIP client appreciated the bodyguard having the protection on hand. And it was certainly better than allowing a client to be reckless in the heat of the moment.
Thaddeus noticed that the snow had stopped. The mountain range was bright white in the morning light. Blue sky peeked through the clouds. The roads would be cleared, so he’d be able to take Jana home. The intimate getaway would end, which created an indefinable ache in his gut.
It struck him that he didn’t want to lose her. As a bachelor, he hadn’t sought to connect with a woman for any duration. He had no right to expect anything, since he wasn’t offering much. But Jana wasn’t just any woman.
At first, Thaddeus had wondered if she’d fallen into his arms for the right reasons. He’d been attracted to her, and the power of that attraction had been difficult to ignore. Especially after hours of leisure activities leading up to a romantic dinner.
Possibly, Thaddeus hadn’t been as adept at hiding his desire as he’d thought. He might have revealed more than he’d wanted to. But that certainly hadn’t stopped him when Jana had entered his room.
In a quieter moment, Thaddeus had broached the subject. Talking about feelings wasn’t usual for him, but then, he’d done quite a few things lately that he would have said weren’t usual for him. He was reluctant about taking advantage of Jana. And he’d given her a way out.
Jana had been grateful that he’d saved her life, more than once. And that he was her protector. It was natural for a woman to be infatuated in such circumstances.
When he’d outright asked Jana, she’d been incredulous. She’d said, “Is that what you think?” Her gentle tone made it clear that he’d been totally off base. That added up, since he was woefully inept at telling what went on in a woman’s mind.
Jana had quickly disabused him of that line of thinking. Then he’d felt like a fool for even considering it. The passion between them had been authentic. He’d have to be blind not to have seen that. But that didn’t equate to a long-term relationship.
Thaddeus wasn’t marriage material, as he’d botch that without a doubt. The lovemaking he understood. But a woman’s emotions? Not so much.
Yet a part of him had the urge to make the attempt. There was no other woman like Jana, and there wouldn’t be. If he had any chance with her, it would be foolhardy to give that up. For his selfish reasons, he considered giving it a try. For a fleeting moment, he longed to have Jana by his side, for more than a few hours. Plus, he wanted a family.
But it wouldn’t work. Thaddeus was totally wrong for her. It was Jana and her future that mattered. He couldn’t usurp her happiness to placate his own desires. For that reason, he had to let go. It was best not to reveal his thoughts or do anything to bind Jana to him.
Next to him, Jana was sleeping peacefully. She had the pillow bunched up under her cheek, with her hands underneath it. Her long hair hung over the sheet, reminding him of a goddess. Thaddeus watched her steady breathing and stared at her lovely form.
Her beauty filled his mind. She was tall and toned, just his type. Her long legs, lean arms, and strong back had endured many years of skiing. It had honed her into an athletic beauty.
Yet Jana was so feminine, with her graceful form, silky skin, and lush breasts. Visions of the night before flooded back: of her gorgeous figure highlighted in the dim light of the room, and of her writhing underneath him, in the throes of ecstasy.
Jana stirred then opened her eyes. She smiled and reached for him. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, beautiful.” Thaddeus brushed a strand of hair from her face and stroked her cheek. “You look radiant.”
“You’re the cause of that.”
“I don’t mind taking credit,” Thaddeus said. “I like seeing you this way.”
Jana slid closer, so he snuggled her against his shoulder. She felt awfully good there. He was at a loss for words, but Jana didn’t seem to be.
She rubbed her palm over his chest, grazing his nipples. “You were wonderful last night.” She looked up at him. “I want more.”
Her voice was soft and sensual, the look in her eyes dreamy. And Thaddeus was already hard for her. He stroked down her spine and over the curve of her ass. Then he pulled her on top of him and dug a hand in her hair.
Jana’s lips touched his, spiking his desire. Thaddeus pulled her tighter for a deeper kiss, plunging his tongue into her warm mouth. She was so sweet and impossibly sexy. He ravaged her mouth with his tongue while his hands ravaged her body.
Her sweet whimpers fueled the passion between them. Thaddeus leaned up to suckle her nipples, gently licking then nipping with his teeth. Jana made a sexy sound in her throat then sat up. She straddled his thighs and fisted his cock with both hands.
Thaddeus moaned and grabbed her hips. “My God, that feels good.”