Page 11 of Fearless Encounter
“Uh huh.”
“You think that he has this thing going where he finds a woman in need and strikes up a relationship? Pretty weird idea of a date.”
“He obviously likes you,” Lisle said, leaning close. “I mean, he remembered you from the birthday party. And any guy would fall for a woman who bakes a cake like you do.”
Brooke laughed. “I can’t argue with that. But really, he’s only concerned about protecting me—which I’m beginning to think is overkill. The criminal glanced my way. That doesn’t mean he saw me clearly or—even if he did—that he would be able to find me.” She shrugged. “I doubt he cares.”
“That’s very optimistic of you.”
“The real issue here is what happened to that woman,” Brooke said. “Where is she, and is she okay?”
“I hope so. Anything could have happened.”
“Exactly,” Brooke said. “If I stick with Gabriel, I’ll know soon enough. The police are working on it, and he’s digging into it as well. He assured me that the authorities will deal with the crime, and he would manage the situation.”
“That’s worth a couple of days at his place.” Lisle winked, having recovered from the shock of the news. “From your description, I imagine that he’s drop-dead gorgeous.”
Brooke swigged her water. “I couldn’t have put it better myself.” She shook her head. “It’s tough. I can’t just bail and pretend that nothing happened. But spending the nights at Gabriel’s house? How am I supposed to feel?”
“I’m your best friend, and I already know how you feel,” Lisle said. “I’m guessing he’s attracted to you, also.”
“Now look who’s being optimistic,” Brooke said. “There’s another thing that concerns me. When the police get more information, it will be next to impossible to keep this out of the news—and social media. That wouldn’t be good for Jasper’s. And it wouldn’t be good for my career either.”
“That’s the worst-case scenario,” Lisle said. “You’re a long way from there.”
“I sure hope so.”
Brooke went back to work. It was a relief to tell Lisle about the incident, to help gain perspective. But the only perspective that she could see was the image of days alone with Gabriel. She needed to get it together and keep things on friendly terms only. It would be embarrassing to act smitten with him, like a teenager. Surely she was more mature than that.
The afternoon was uneventful, and Brooke started to relax. Being busy was a helpful distraction. She began to feel as though things would work out. That was until dinner service started and Gabriel showed up. Since she couldn’t leave yet, she went out to seat him at a table.
The sight of him affected Brooke, making her take a breath before approaching. She hadn’t forgotten the attraction, but seeing him reminded her of his sex appeal. If only he was her boyfriend… But she put the thought aside.
“Hi,” she said, walking over. “You’re a bit early. I’m still in the middle of a few things.”
“I could wait in the car,” Gabriel said.
“There’s no need for that. Have a seat at this table and I’ll bring you an appetizer—on the house.”
“If you’re sure…”
Brooke nodded then went to the kitchen. A few appetizers were ready for quick service to diners. She chose spinach and artichoke dip, a favorite among guests, with session ale, a low-alcohol beer that was popular.
When she went back out, Gabriel was seated at the table, sipping water. He smiled at her. “That looks delicious, and a generous portion. How long do you think you’ll be?”
“I’m in a crucial step for tonight’s specialty dessert,” Brooke said. “But I shouldn’t be too long. I’ll come back to check on you.”
When she entered the kitchen, Jasper was staring at her. “Isn’t that the customer from the teenage birthday party?”
“Uh, yes, he is,” Brooke said, flustered.
Jasper furrowed his brow. “And you’re serving him? Do you know him?”
“Yeah, kind of. Well…Gabriel is a new friend…from last night.”
Jasper smiled. “Oh, really?”