Page 24 of Fearless Encounter
“It was carnival season, and cars weren’t allowed on the parade route,” Gabriel said. “Surrounding streets would have been heavily trafficked. Normally, she wouldn’t have taken the route that she did.” He sighed. “I found out later that the shorter way she chose was blocked due to all the congestion. It appeared that she stopped behind other cars on the route… Gunfire erupted. She was still in her car when she died.” He wiped a tear away. “She was only forty-one…so young.”
Brooke was at a loss for words.
“It shouldn’t have happened,” Gabriel said. “I knew how crowded the area was that day. I was preoccupied with the birthday party.” He looked at Brooke. “She shouldn’t have been alone. When I knew she’d be in a rush to get home, I should have gone to get her. If I had…”
Brooke reached across the table and put her hand over Gabriel’s.
“I should have protected her,” he said.
It was heartbreaking, and so senseless. Brooke didn’t offer empty platitudes. All she could do was understand—and shedid. Knowing Gabriel for the short time that she had, she understood that his failure to protect his wife tortured him.
“I was overcome with grief…and anger,” he said. “The crime I’d fought so long in this city had taken my wife from me, taken her life…so unfairly.” He took a drink. “Our daughters were devasted, and for a while, I wasn’t sure that we’d all recover.”
“And now?” Brooke said softly.
“With her death, the joy vanished from my life,” Gabriel said. “But over time, I’ve made the effort to move on. It’s what she would want. I have two daughters I adore. For them, I couldn’t let grief consume us.”
“And the anger?”
“That’s why I left the PD. All the red tape, the delays, and even dishonesty—vested interests.” Gabriel stiffened. “I left and started my own firm, where I call the shots and have control.” He thought for a moment. “Ultimately, the criminals were brought to justice. But it took too damn long. And putting them in jail didn’t bring my wife back.” He shook his head. “It was all so senseless.”
The silence that followed was laced with emotion. Brooke felt closer to Gabriel. He’d allowed her to see into his heart, and so much made sense. Another man wouldn’t have blamed himself. But Gabriel had devoted his life to protection. Without his voicing it, she knew that his failure—real or imagined—to protect his wife had crushed him.
Brooke was unable to deny the feelings she had for Gabriel. He may not feel the same way, and she could accept that. It wasn’t the time to consider starting a relationship. He was there to protect her, and that was everything. He was a good man anda good friend. Whether Brooke might mean more to him, she wasn’t sure. But that wouldn’t change how she felt about him.
Gabriel changed the subject, and they ordered dinner. It was getting late, and the alcohol had its effect. Brooke welcomed the food. During the meal, conversation was at a minimum. The mood had shifted, and she couldn’t help seeing Gabriel in a new light. She understood him better—and she cared.
When they got back to his house, he stood under the porch light to unlock the door. Brooke stood next to him, desire flooding her. He must have felt it, because he hesitated before leaning down to kiss her. It was a tender kiss that radiated sensations through her body. She kissed back, wanting more. But Gabriel pulled away, stroked his fingertips across her jaw, then opened the door for her to go inside.
The evening was over, but Brooke didn’t want to part with Gabriel. Yet she didn’t trust what was happening. He’d just told her about losing his wife and was vulnerable. Once inside, Gabriel didn’t make a move, and she wasn’t about to.
Gabriel didn’t turn on any lights. He stood in the living room with the outdoor lights shining in and watched as she stepped closer. Then he rubbed his hand down her arm and kissed her again.
He waited without saying anything. Brooke could have taken advantage of the opportunity, knowing if she fell into his arms, he might take things further. But she didn’t do it. Something held her back. The evening had been special, and she felt close to Gabriel. An unspoken agreement passed between them.
“It’s late,” she said in a soft voice. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Gabriel nodded and stepped back, but his gaze followed her all the way to the bedroom. She went inside and shut the door, before taking a deep breath.Oh my God, what was that?Brooke wanted it to be the start of something special, but she dared not hope. She was an idiot to leave him in the other room, but she feared messing things up.
She rubbed her hands over her face before getting ready for bed. Snuggling under the covers did little to relax her mind. She thought of Meg and the horrible situation she was in. She wondered if she was hurt or in pain. It agonized her to think of her good friend being abducted. It wasn’t right. She had to do all she could to help find Meg.
The next morning, Brooke woke early to dress. Tuesday was her day off, and she had a lot to do. She needed coffee.
Gabriel was in the kitchen scrambling eggs. “Good morning, beautiful.”
Brooke intended to act like nothing had happened—because it really hadn’t, she told herself. But his warm greeting didn’t help. She headed straight for the coffee pot and didn’t speak again until she got caffeine in her veins.
When a plate of eggs was set in front of her, there was no choice but to eat. It would be rude not to. Besides, her stomach was growling. “Thank you for this. You don’t have to cook for me.”
“I was making breakfast anyway.” Gabriel sat across from her, looking tempting in his cotton shirt and jeans.
“I’ll be out today,” Brooke said, heading off any offer of police security. “I know you want to keep a close eye on me, but I won’t be alone.”
Gabriel looked at her with suspicion.
She smiled. “It’s my day off. I have Pilates with Lisle. It’s our regular class. And then I’m going to my sister’s house to visit with her.” And she intended to talk to both about Meg, since they knew her too. Maybe they’d have an idea that would help.