Page 31 of Fearless Encounter
Brooke wished that she could agree but wasn’t able to think in such simple terms. To her, the whole thing was messy. It involved a woman in an unknown location, alone with her captors—a situation that she’d only seen in movies. But one that was never good. “I only hope this has a happy ending.”
Once they were home, Gabriel said, “Let me make dinner for you.” He smiled then opened the freezer. “I think it will be lasagna again. Is that okay?”
“Yes, absolutely. I’ll make dessert.” Brooke stood next to him. “Do you have ice cream? Oh, I see vanilla in your freezer. I’ll use that, and I’m sure you have the other ingredients in your cupboards.” She started to look around. The treat could be created from stuff most people had on hand.
While Gabriel started preparing the meal, she began creating a yummy dessert. It was amazing what could be done with butter, salt, cocoa, baker’s chocolate, and a few other items. It didn’t take long to make the hot fudge sauce. She set it aside to share dinner with Gabriel.
After pouring wine, they retired to the dining room. Drinking a red blend and eating lasagna was a pleasure. Simple meals could often be the best. And she enjoyed the company.
Brooke hadn’t quite acclimated to having him around so much, but it was a situation that she could easily get used to. But it was better not to get ahead of herself on that, and she tried not to be obvious about the attraction.
Gabriel smiled. “I could get used to cooking for two. It’s no fun eating alone.”
His tone implied more, but Brooke dared not open that conversation. “It is nice.”
“And I’m looking forward to this dessert.”
“It’s the same old-fashioned fudge sauce I make at the restaurant,” Brooke said. “It has a deep, rich flavor that goes well with vanilla ice cream.”
Gabriel took a sip of wine then continued eating. Sensation spiked through Brooke as she considered how eating delicious food was like foreplay—if the meal included a sexy guy.
“A penny for your thoughts?” he said.
She took a gulp of wine. “Uh, I better not.” Her awkward laugh likely gave her away.
When the plates were empty, Brooke took them to the sink then heated the chocolate sauce and served dessert. A couple of fancy bowls in the cupboard gave it a festive touch. She watched as Gabriel took the first bite, then the second. His eyes closed briefly. “Seriously, this is the best hot fudge sauce I’ve had. Is there a secret ingredient?”
“Not really,” Brooke said. “I use salt to round out the bitterness of the dark chocolate.” She took a bite, pleased that itwas as divine as she remembered. “It makes it sparkle on your tongue.”
It didn’t take Gabriel long to finish his. When they were done, he suggested they move to the living room to relax.
Instead of taking a seat across from her, Gabriel sat next to her on the sofa. The electricity between them warmed Brooke all the way to her toes. In the quiet of the room, Gabriel reached out and stroked the back of his fingertips along her jaw.
Brooke closed her eyes and leaned in. The touch of Gabriel’s lips to hers was more delicious than the dessert—by a long shot. Tenderly, his lips touched hers, making her sigh. Then he pulled her closer. With his hand in her hair, Gabriel gave her an unforgettable kiss. It was sweet and sexy, all at once. The kiss lasted and lasted.
When Gabriel pulled back, he said, “You’re special.”
Brooke hadn’t expected him to say that. Since her marriage had ended, she’d had little hope that there was another man for her. This late in life, it didn’t seem realistic. Yet it was happening. “I like you too,” she said.
Gabriel didn’t attempt to take things further, as if sensing that she needed a chance to figure out how she felt. That was the best thing he could have done. He had her heart—that was all there was to it. For a few delicious minutes, Brooke made out with him on the couch as if they were teenagers. It warmed her to her very soul. When they retired to their separate rooms, she snuggled under the covers with images of Gabriel’s touch fresh in her mind.
But sleep didn’t come easily. She tossed and turned, worried about Meg.
Chapter 9
Gabriel dressed early and left after he had coffee. He resisted lingering until Brooke woke up, because he looked forward to seeing her. But it was already Wednesday morning, and he hadn’t solved this case yet. He was on his way to meet Abe. The appointment was set with the CEO of Capstone, which could shed light on why Meghan Reid was missing.
On the way, Gabriel stopped by his office. Weston was already there. “Come see this,” he said.
Gabriel looked over his shoulder but couldn’t decipher the information. “Summarize it for me.”
“The dark web is a source of data,” Weston said, “if you know where to look.”
“Which you do…”
Weston swiveled his chair to face Gabriel. “I don’t have anything conclusive yet, but I spotted interesting conversations. I’ve been working to get past the layers of encryption and dealing with hidden identities.”
“You’ll have to be more specific,” Gabriel said, “for those of us, uh…in the dark.”