Page 35 of Fearless Encounter
“I can’t be sure…I didn’taskhim,” Brooke said, unable to contain her frustration.
Jasper talked to her about the situation, trying to calm her down and decide on a proper course of action.
At that moment, Gabriel stepped into the room. Spotting Brooke, he went over and put his arm around her. She realized that was a giveaway to the others that their relationship was more than professional. But now, she couldn’t care less. Promptly, she brought him up to speed with what little she knew.
“Abe is scoping out the area,” Gabriel said. “He’s called for backup.” Then he looked at Jasper. “I’m taking Brooke home. Until it’s safe, she shouldn’t be here.”
Jasper just nodded.
Gabriel escorted her through the dining room. He stopped to speak to Abe, who assured them he had things under control. With the photo of the guy, he could post an officer to watch for him to return.
“Text if he comes back,” Gabriel said. “He could be getting desperate. It was a bold move to come into the restaurant.”
Brooke knew the meaning of that. The guy wanted to silence her. That would be the only reason that he was looking for her. And he knew where she worked. Walking outside with Gabriel, she felt faint.
“I’m taking you someplace safe,” Gabriel said. “You need a chance to recover. No doubt that was a terrible shock.”
Brooke looked into his deep brown eyes and felt his arm linked through hers. She was glad he was there.
Gabriel took her to a hotel where he knew the security. It was a place he trusted, one that was out of the way. At a corner table near the back of the bar, he reached for her hand. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Gabriel looked into her eyes. “Liar.”
Brooke laughed and felt better. She’d escaped. Although she had no idea what the guy planned to do. “What next?”
“I’ve taken you out of harm’s way, for the moment. But we need to plan.” Gabriel handed her a bar menu. “What will you have?”
No question she needed a drink. And she had no desire to go to her own condo, because the thought of being alone was terrifying. Anyway, likely Gabriel would encourage her to stay at his place, so he could continue to be her protector. That thought was reassuring.
The bottle of wine arrived, and Gabriel poured. After a few sips, he talked about the interviews at Capstone. Brooke was glad he didn’t ply her with questions. It was better to listen fora bit. But it didn’t take long for her to realize that the employee interviews hadn’t netted any answers.
She took another sip of wine. “So, we’re no further ahead?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Gabriel looked thoughtful. “I can read people pretty well. Something is up with Daniel Fontenot, but I’m not sure what. Maybe he knows something.”
“That’s the same guy that Genevieve saw at the club.”
“Yes, and if he hangs around again, maybe she will gain useful information.” Gabriel raised his glass, but before drinking he said, “I don’t depend on maybes, though. I already texted Weston to check on him. And Amalie will search databases. Plus, Abe can check for a criminal record, in case he has connections that we need to know about.”
“I’m tired of being scared,” Brooke said. “I have to do something. I must help Meg.”
“We’re doing all we can.”
Guilt riddled her. Brooke had been in that alley the moment Meg had been taken. She’d had an opportunity to help her, albeit a slight one. Yet fear had held her back. She wouldn’t let that happen again.
Halfway through the wine, Gabriel suggested dinner and requested a table in the dining room. Brooke needed to eat, although she was still rattled by the earlier incident. But she’d resolved to stop being a victim. Meg was the real victim, and Brooke needed to be strong andsaveher—that was what best friends did.
Eating had been a good idea. Brooke needed that. It occurred to her how intuitive Gabriel was. He noticed things, and he cared. Under different circumstances, she could envisionbeing with him intimately. But it wasn’t good to imagine things. Clearly, he liked her—given the kiss from the night before—and ensured her safety. Yet he didn’t owe her more than that.
Still, Brooke was spending an evening with him, and not for the first time. It would be easy to feel that she belonged, that she meant something to him. Yet once the danger passed, he might lose interest. He was handsome, along with his other great qualities. He could have his pick of women, so surely he would want a younger one.
“You look lost in thought,” Gabriel said.
Brooke dabbed her napkin over her lips, hiding her feelings. “Sorry…I’m here.”