Page 24 of Knockout Bachelor
“True. Okay. What time?” I asked.
“They open at eight. How about I pick you up at seven-thirty?”
“Perfect. Since I don’t have a phone, I’ll just be waiting in front of the building. Hope you can get back to sleep,” I said.
“I’m one of those people whose eyes close once my head hits the pillow.”
“Good. Sweet dreams, Sydney.”
“You too, Cameron,” she said and ended the call.
I handed the phone back to the bartender and said, “I really appreciate that.” Then I reached for my wallet and pulled out a fifty.
“The water was on me,” he said.
“That’s for the use of your phone.”
I laid it on the counter, but he didn’t pick it up.
“Try to get some rest, Mr. Giampietro. You’ve had a big night. And congratulations again on the win. I heard from my brother that it was an amazing fight. He was there.”
I nodded and headed back to the apartment. Sleep was what I needed desperately. Not sure I was going to get any now. Sydney’s sweet voice, filled with concern for me was going to haunt me all night for sure.
At least I knew that I’d be seeing her in a few hours.
Once again, the doc to my rescue.
“You really did have a great connection with the salesman, but I am not sure if you still will, going forward,” Cameron said, slipping his new phone into his pocket as we left the store.
“Why would you say that?” I asked, knowing that I helped Cameron score a great deal.
“I would have to say, he wasn’t thrilled to see you here with a man,” Cameron said.
“What does that have to do with anything? He made a sale,” I stated.
Cameron laughed. “The guy has the hots for you. The entire time that I was asking questions, he was checking you out.”
“He’s like twenty years old.”
“Some guys like older women,” he said.
I shot him a warning look. “I’m thirty. That’s not considered old.”
He raised his hands. “Didn’t say old. I saidolder. There is a difference.”
“Not when you’re speaking to women.”
“Noted. Are there any other words I’m supposed to avoid?” he asked.
“Don’t worry. If you say them, I’ll correct you,” I joked. This was the perfect time for me to ask him about the cut above his right eye and swelling on his jaw. But just as I was about to do so, his phone rang.
He pulled out his phone and said, “Sorry, I have to take this.” I thought he would walk away, but he didn’t. “Good morning, Mom. No, I didn’t forget. My phone died last night, and I just picked up a new one. Yes, I will be there,” he said. “See you soon.” Cameron ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket.
“I guess we should head back to your apartment,” I said.