Page 13 of Archer
“Good job, everyone. Don’t forget we’re having a special free introduction to sound healing session on the twenty-fifth, so if you want to give it a try, add your name to the signup sheet on the counter.”
He watched for a minute to make sure all the women were getting up and moving around before he walked over to me.
“Archer. I didn’t expect to see you today.”
“You’re really good at this,” I blurted out. What was it about this man that made me speak without thinking?
“Thanks. I had the best teacher ever.” I’d noticed my little Zen master wasn’t very good at taking compliments, but I wasn’t letting him get away with it this time.
“A teacher can guide you in technique, but they can’t instill heart, and that’s what you have.”
“Thank you for that, Archer. So, uh, you’re back?” He looked up shyly. Unlike the guy so masterfully leading the class, he was back to the flustered young man from the hallway.
“I am. I need a sandwich from Luxe, and I wanted to show you how the pictures turned out. I thought maybe I could take care of both needs at one time. Have you had lunch?”
I had to remind myself to breathe. Was this really happening? Archer was asking me to lunch? Thankfully, I didn’t have another class today, and I was free until prime dinner time for dashing. Lifting my arms up to the side, I said, “I’m all yours.”
Before I had a chance to feel like the biggest dork who ever dorked, he grinned so big that it lit up his whole face. Holy goddess. I’d do whatever it took to get him to smile at me like that again.
“Crispin,” a soft, female voice said. Turning, Kate, one of my regular participants, stood six feet away, her gaze flickering between me and Archer as she smiled self-consciously.
Stretching out my hands toward her, I quickly went over, and I gripped her forearms. “Hey, did you enjoy today? How are you feeling?” Kate had suffered a minor injury at work, which left her back all jacked up and strained. This was the first class she’d attended in a couple of weeks.
“Great. That actually helped so much. Thank you. I have a quick question for you about sound healing, but I can ask you later if you’re busy.”
“No, you’re good,” Archer said with a nod of his head toward Kate. “I’ll wait for you outside, Crispin.” He smiled and went back out through the doors.
The other ladies from the class, now in their shoes and ready to go, waved as they passed by and exited also. Once alone, I gave Kate my full attention. “What’s up, hon?”
“Well, I’d like to come to sound healing, but I’m sort of nervous about it.”
“What are you worried about?” I asked, wanting to reassure her if I could. If there was anyone I thought would benefit from a session, it was her. I’d gotten to know her fairly well since her first yoga class had been the first one I’d ever taught. When she’d approached me about how much she’d enjoyed it, I’d blurted out how it was my first time on the teaching side and how excited I’d been, and we’d bonded.
“You know I’ve always wanted to come, but since you generally host them on a Sunday, I’m always at work. But with this injury, I’ll be available. I’m not sure I can sit still that long, though.”
I spent a few minutes assuring her that she could move around as necessary, and she was welcome to any of the mats and blocks to make herself comfortable. I even suggested that she bring pillows and a blanket from home. “So what do you think? Wanna at least try?”
“I’ll be here,” she said, sounding much more confident. Then, with a devilish grin, she pointed toward the door. “And who was the hot guy?”
“Archer.” Avoiding her knowing smirk, I stepped into my slides and shrugged on my black yoga jacket, zipping it up over the sleeveless shirt I was wearing. Kate slipped her arm into the crook of mine. “Archer, huh? And who is this mysterious Archer exactly? You know, besides fine as hell?”
I felt heat flooding my cheeks. “He’s just…” What was he? A friend? Just someone who lived in the building? I didn’t even know how to answer that question.
As we crossed the threshold into the hall, she whispered, “Good luck.” She giggled and said, “See you later, Crispin,” loud enough for Archer to hear, too.
I busied myself locking up the studio instead of looking at him.
“She seemed nice,” he said, so close I almost jumped.
“Mhm. I’m ready,” I said, hoping like hell he hadn’t heard her wishing me luck. As I spun toward him, I bumped into his chest and tripped backward.
Archer grabbed my biceps and steadied me. “Woah, there. It’s a good thing I’m taking you to lunch. You’re a little unsteady on your feet.”
I inhaled his spicy goodness, then stepped back awkwardly. Hungry was as good an explanation as any for making a fool of myself with this man. “Yeah, I only had an apple with peanut butter this morning.”
Archer’s dark eyes narrowed on me. “For someone who’s all about health and wellness, you’re not doing such a great job taking care of yourself. Come on, let’s get you fed.”