Page 25 of Archer
“No, it sure doesn’t. You’re probably almost to the Windsor, so I’ll let you go.”
As I pulled into the hotel parking lot, I asked, “How do you always know when I’m arriving at my destination?”
“I’m magic,” she said.
She certainly was. Maybe not the magic you read about in fantasy novels, but she’d help me find myself just by being… her. “Love you, Aziza.”
“And I love you, my young friend. Have a beautiful day.” Then she hung up.
I’d woken up and alternated between sifting through every moment of yesterday with Archer and anticipating tonight, feeling like trudging through today was what I had to get through before I could be with him again.
After hearing Aziza’s voice, I remembered how truly blessed I was with all she’d entrusted to me, and I re-centered. I wanted to be for someone else what she’d been for me. I wanted the studio to represent peace and hope, quiet and stillness, vision and hope. To do that, I needed to be present.
Collecting my stuff from my car—but leaving my clothes for tonight hanging in the backseat so I wouldn’t be a wrinkly mess for my date—I decided I’d start with a nice cup of tea. Sure, I had my own stash with me, and there was tea bags at the studio, but I wanted a reason to go into Bram’s bakery. I’d been in before, but now that I’d met the owner, I wanted to be supportive. He, Hitch, and Cort were so nice to me last night. Plus, I still felt a little guilty that I’d ratted Archer out that we’d gotten dessert at Luxe instead of the bakery.
I made my way around the side of the building and entered the bakery through the outside entrance. I’d be able to leave through the interior door and cut over to the studio. Glancing around the busy shop while I waited in line, I spotted Elton, the guy who roamed around in his pajama pants. He was sitting by himself in black and white checkered sleep pants with a blue t-shirt, gazing out the window while fidgeting with something in his hands. He looked distracted… or lonely. It was hard to say.
“Good morning, Crispin,” Bram said, pulling my attention to the counter. Wow. The line had moved quickly.
A sudden bout of nerves hit me, and I waved at him awkwardly. “Hi. I thought I’d stop in for a cup of tea before my first session.”
His smile grew. “Nice. What can I get for you?”
“I usually only have a cup of tea, so—”
“That’s no good,” he interrupted. “Surely there’s something here that will tempt your taste buds.”
“Well…” I peered into the glass display cases at all the delicious offerings. He had several types of pastries, but they’d be too sweet for first thing in the morning, and I had a session to lead before I’d get a chance to eat. “Oh, you have scones.”
He chuckled. “I sure do. There’s a variety. You can pick from mocha chip, lemon ricotta, strawberry basil, and I have a lemon poppyseed.”
I practically squealed with delight. “Can I have the lemon poppyseed? And do you have a lemon tea?”
“Indeed, I do. I have a honey-lemon or a lemon-ginger.”
Since there were several other people coming in from the outside, I quickly chose the lemon-ginger and watched Bram as he poured hot water into my cup. He appeared to be working byhimself. “Don’t you have any help?” I asked him as he sat my order in front of me.
He shook his head and huffed. “I should. Staffing has been an issue lately.” He waved me off. “But you don’t need to hear about that. You have a good day and come back and see me soon.”
“But I didn’t pay yet.”
“It’s on the house.” Then he turned to the customer behind me and started taking their order.
I took two steps to the side to let the woman behind me in, but hissed, “You can’t do that,” to Bram.
He finished with her before turning back to me. “I can, and I will. You’re a new business owner, and we have to help each other out. Am I right? Besides, Archer would have my hide for charging his new”—he hesitated—“friend,” he finished with a smirk.
My cheeks warmed at the mention of Archer and whatever was happening between us, and I felt silly arguing with him when he had so many people in line waiting to order, so I accepted gratefully. Picking up my tea and the bag with my scone, I turned and headed for the studio, convinced that it was going to be the most perfect day ever. How could it not? It started with Aziza, Bram blessed me with a yummy breakfast, I had classes all day, and it would all end with a date with the dreamiest man ever.
Chapter 11
The last photo shoot of the day was an easy one, which was a relief because my mind kept drifting to tonight. Normally, I never let myself get distracted at work, but this first date with Crispin felt different. There was something about it that carried more weight than any casual fling or relationship I’d had before. After talking last night, I could feel it—this wasn’t going to be just another date. This was something more.
I only hoped Crispin would like what I had planned. We’d spent time together, but tonight was our first real date, and I wanted it to be memorable. The community theater was putting on a play in the park across the street, and I’d also pre-ordered a charcuterie box from Luxe. After picking it up, I dashed upstairs to grab a blanket before heading down to Harmony and Joy.
As I walked toward the yoga studio, a wave of nerves hit me—unexpected and uncharacteristic. I usually kept it cool, but something about tonight had my stomach doing flips. Maybe because, deep down, I knew this date could be something special.