Page 43 of Archer
“Maybe you can even look at hiring someone to help you out with your classes now. What do you think?” Archer asked, picking up on my train of thought like a mind reader.
“I’ll have to really look at what I’ve saved and how everything’s going, but I think you might be right. I even have someone in mind that I’d like to work with.”
“I’d be happy to do that with you, if you’d like,” he said.
“Really?” I asked, excited at the thought of having someone as knowledgeable as him lending me his experience and expertise as a business owner.
He kissed the tip of my nose. “Absolutely. Then he drew back and narrowed his eyes. “I’d also like you to set up a dinner with your parents. I think it’s about time we meet.”
“Really?” I didn’t mean for it to come out like a whine, but I knew it did.
He chuckled. “Yes, really. But that’s enough stress for one day, and I have good news for you.”
Then he told me about the picture Cort found and their trip to St. Luke’s. I was excited for the new lead, so while Archer got ready for bed, I shot Elton a quick text. We’d have to really go intoScooby-Doomode if we wanted to help bring Jordy back to his big brother safely.
Chapter 17
I rolled over and allowed myself a few minutes to enjoy the fact that Crispin was lying here beside me. I couldn’t believe this sweet boy had been working himself to death for no reason. But then again, I understood why. He was such a genuinely kind person who’d been taught that his value was in the work he produced, not the joy he brought to the world. Of course he’d thought the only way was to work twice as hard as anyone else. Thankfully, that phone call last night relieved him of that burden, and now he could focus on being the very best Crispin he could be. I doubted he believed that was enough, but I was happy to tell him that he was every single day until he did.
“Mm,” he hummed, tossing his hand up over his eyes to block out the morning sun. “Are you being super creepy and staring at me?”
“Sure am,” I said with a chuckle.
“Good, I like it.”
I laughed and threw back the covers. “We need to get up if you’re going to eat before your first class.”
“I could sleep for a bit longer and eat an apple.”
“Or you could get up and have an omelet and an apple.”
“Why are you so mean to me, Daddy?” he whined.
I did my best to look sympathetic. “I know it’s horrible, isn’t it? How on earth did you ever end up with such a cruel, sadistic Daddy who makes you eat breakfast every day?”
“I know, right? It’s horrible. It should be against the law.”
I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers off his gorgeous body. Seeing him lying there like that was almost enough for me to change my mind and agree that he could have a piece of fruit for breakfast, but not so he could get extra sleep.Almost. He had a busy day ahead, and he needed to take care of himself.
“I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
He let out a sigh. “Fine.”
I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and left him there. If he hadn’t joined me in a few minutes, I’d come back. But my boy was a good boy, so I thought he’d listen.
Sure enough, I’d just got the tea kettle I’d purchased for him started and was about to begin chopping vegetables for a farmer’s omelet when he wandered in. He sat down at the bar, waiting for the water to boil. You’d never know it if you attended one of his early classes, but my boy was not a morning person. It took him a cup of tea and a good half-hour before he was even human most days.
When the pot beeped, I filled the mug with the tea bag I’d set out and handed it to him. “Thank you,” he said, inhaling the aroma and letting out a sigh. While he sipped at it, I got to work on our breakfast. A short time later, I put two full plates on the bar and sat down beside him.
“It looks delicious, Daddy.”
“So maybe I’m not completely evil then.”
“No, you’re maybe this much evil.” He held up his fingers to indicate a tiny bit. “But on a serious note, I want to tell you again how much I appreciate you telling me to call Aziza last night. That had been like a weight I was carrying around that I was scared to put down because I thought the load that would replace it might be even heavier.”
“I’m glad it turned out the way it did. She really is a good person, isn’t she?”