Page 54 of Archer
“I know. I've seen Cort strolling around outside over where we showed him Jordy disappeared several times, but still no luck.” As upset as Archer and Hitch had been with us for chasing Jordy, I’d been glad they’d at least let us walk through what happened with Cort. He said it was helpful at the time, but it didn’t seem to have gotten him any closer than the pictures Archer had accidentally taken of Jordy.
Elton frowned. “I wish we'd caught up to him that day.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Me too. But, Elton, where the heck did he disappear to? It was like, proof. He vanished.”
“I know. I’ve been doing the same thing as Cort. I've walked around outside several times, too. There's been no sign of him.”
I shrugged. “It's okay. We’ll keep searching. I'm confident that we’ll find him.” I grinned. “After all, we've done it before.”
He smiled widely back at me. “We have, haven't way? We pretty much rock.”
I snickered. “Well, us and my Daddy.”
Elton rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but Archer caught him in those photos by accident. We were actively searching for him. We win.”
“Good point.” A server set our drinks down in front of us, so we placed our order.
After she walked away, I propped my elbows on the table. “How did you like Janelle's class earlier?” I asked curiously.
“She was a good find, Crispin. She's awesome. She's got a really cool way about her, too. Her energy isn’t quite like yours, but it's different in a good way. You know?”
I nodded eagerly. “I felt the same way. I’m glad it doesn’t make her nervous that I want to take her class. It's so nice being able to attend a session that I'm not teaching.”
“I bet it is. You need to feed your soul, too.”
Leaning toward Elton, I sighed and glanced over at the table where Archer and his friends were talking. “What do you thinkit's going to take for me to get Archer into one of my yoga classes? Do you think he’d do it if I convinced his friends to take one, too?”
Elton, who'd been mid-sip, sputtered out his drink across the table. “You have to do it. I’d kill to see all of them on mats trying to follow your poses. Especially Hitch. Maybe he'd calm the hell down.”
I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Archer had told me that he didn't think either of our friends realized that they were circling each other like sharks in the water. This just proved that, at least for Elton, he was right.
“We’ll have to work on making that happen, along with helping find Jordy.”
Elton nodded. “Agreed.” He stared at me for a second, and I wondered if I had something on my face. Then he cleared his throat. “Crispin, I want to thank you for inviting me to a yoga session that day. I don't have many friends, so…” He shrugged. “This has been nice.”
I smiled. “It's been pretty awesome for me as well. My life's changed so much over the last few years, so I lost contact with a lot of people I used to hang with.” I snorted it. “Hell, my best friend had become Aziza, and she’s older than my parents. It's nice having someone my own age to talk to.”
Elton glanced over at the table of Daddies. “You're doing better than me. I think my closest friend has been Hitch, and I wouldn'teven say were friends. In fact, I’m pretty sure I drive him crazy, but I seem to need his help all the time.”
Yeah, he did. But he'd figure out why sooner or later. “Well, we have each other now.”
Elton nodded. “Friends forever.”
“Friends forever.” We both giggled since we were acting like elementary school kids, but it was pretty amazing to find someone who was the same kind of weird as me.
We chatted about all kinds of things while we finished ate dinner and then Cort and Bram waved goodbye to us as they left. Archer and Hitch came over to our table.
“What are you two up to?” Archer asked.
I fluttered my lashes up at him. “Nothing, Daddy. Just talking.”
Hitch smirked. “It looked more like gossiping from where I was sitting.”
Elton rolled his eyes. “You couldn't hear us from over there.”
“That's true, but you had your mischievous face on,” Hitch said back, pointing a finger at him like he was scolding him.
Elton's bottom lip pouted out. “You don't know me like that.”