Page 31 of Loving Jamie
His kisses turn to soft bites, I gasp as his teeth drag against my skin. “I won't lie, it came as a shock, but I trust William to help guide me through this. Just know it won't change the way I feel about you. You’ll always be my boy and I'll always be your Daddy.”
He tugs me towards him and presses his lips to mine. We share a slow and soft kiss, tongues don’t meet, it's just our mouths brushing together. Sharing breaths, it’s the most love felt kiss I have ever had.
Our noses nuzzle together when he whispers the words, “I love you, Jamie.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Our hands are linked together as Justin walks me to my front door. “Enjoy the rest of your night, baby. Text me when you get in bed?”
I nod my head. “Drive safe, Daddy.”
When I lock the door behind me my phone buzzes in my pocket, pulling it out I see my sister's name on the screen. “Right on time Sarah, how’ve you been?”
Her soft familiar voice sends a comfort through me as it always does. “I’m alright Jamie, how are you?”
I kick my shoes off and leave them by the front door, before walking to the sofa. “I’m good, I met someone... or someone's.”
“Someone’s? As in plural?” There's no judgement in her tone, just curiosity.
I give her a brief overview of how I know Justin and how we met William, explaining that they are the older brothers of Jude and his boyfriend.
“Are you happy? They treating you well?” She asks.
I smile at her questions. I know after my ex, she’s being overprotective, but that’s why I love her so much. After everything went down with me and Damian, she was so upset that I never revealed the torment to her sooner, but she understands that I wasn’t in the position to ask for help.
“They are perfect Sarah. I have never had a partner treat me better than they do. I love them.”
“I’m glad to hear that Jamie, I can't wait to meet them.”
After she updates me on what's going on in her life, she clears her throat and says, “I need to tell you something.”
“Uh-oh. That doesn’t sound good.” I mumble.
She stutters and stammers a few times before she manages to spit out her next few words. “He’s being released.”
Now it's my turn to stutter, my mouth unnaturally dry, “W-what do you m-mean he’s being released?” I silently pray to the god that I don’t even believe that she’s wrong. Maybe she meant someone else.
But of course, my life can never be that fucking simple.
“We got a letter from the national probation service.”
Where the fuck is my letter? I slam my front door open, not even bothering to put my shoes on or lock my door, I sprint down six flights of stairs to get to the apartment mailbox and frantically open my locker.
A few stacks of letters are resting inside, I hold my phone to my ear with my shoulder and shuffle through them until I see the big brown envelope marked NPS.
I tear the letter open and skim through it until I see the words ‘Damian Booth set to be released January 16th, 2023.’
“No. No. No. This can't be happening! He hasn’t even served half of his sentence! I had a few more years of safety left.” My shoulder slump, sending my phone crashing to the tiled floor.
Picking it back up I mumble, “I gotta go.” And then I hang up, cutting off my sister's voice. I know she’s worried, but I can't talk to her right now.
What the fuck am I going to do?
2016 – A week after Jamie’s 18thbirthday.
It's been one week since my birth givers kicked me out of the family home, it's been seven days since the people who were always meant to love me, regardless of my wrongdoings, booted me out of their lives.