Page 47 of Breaking Vincent
Jude and Jamie go straight to their men, which leaves Vincent standing awkwardly by himself and as much as I want to go to him, I know I have to wait.
I can feel him watching me, but I continue to sip my drink and play oblivious.
The group eventually drifts back together, everybody gushing over how beautiful Jude looks. Apparently, he didn’t know what he would be wearing tonight as Nate planned the outfit for him. Nate chose a white sheer flowy jumpsuit and a pair of white leather boots, paired with a halo and feather wings. He looks angelic. Jude’s auburn hair is slicked back away from his face, and his eyes are heavy with make-up.
“It’s a few minutes before 9, so are we ready to get this show on the road?” William asks, before turning off the music, leaving the room in blissful silence.
We all agree and grab our seats as Jude and Nate make their way to the beautifully decorated stage. Jamie sits between his Daddies, which means there's only a free chair next to me. The brat walks over and sits down, his spicy cologne surrounding me, instantly making my dick perk up behind my trousers. I have to physically sit on my hands so I don’t reach out and grab him.
Seeing as the couple decided to have no officiant, Nate starts off the ceremony by saying, “I want to thank you all for being present today to witness the collaring between Jude and I.” He turns to Jude and holds his hands out for him to hold. “Jude, when I met you, I had no idea how much you’d come to mean to me. I thought I knew what it meant to be happy, but then I met you and now I know that I was just waiting for you to be by my side. As a partner, a lover and a friend, I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect person to have by my side for the rest of my life.”
“Jude, it is in my intent to offer you my collar as a sign of your evermore submission to me. Are you willing to accept my proposal?”
Jude uses his fingertips to quickly dab at his wet eyes, before he responds, “It would be my easiest and greatest joy, to accept.”
Nate turns to a table he had set up on the stage earlier and picks up a box. Jude gasps as his hands cover his mouth. More tears leaking down his pretty face. None of us have seen the collar, but from Jude’s reaction, I assume it’s magnificent.
Nate places the box back to the table and removes the collar before placing it around Jude’s neck, leaving it unfastened before he continues to say, “Jude, with the placing of this collar around your neck and your acceptance, I vow to do everything in my power to be worthy of you. I promise to keep you safe, to respect the needs of our relationship above all else. I promise to love you, cherish you and to support you in all that you need.”
Nate places his hands on Jude’s flushed cheeks and rests their foreheads together, before closing his eyes and continuing to say, “I acknowledge with all my soul the gift of your submission you have given to me. This collar will be a symbol of that which we already know: that you are mine and I am yours, now and forever.”
Jude tilts his face up and presses his lips to Nates. The kiss is so soft, barely there, as they breathe each other in. When Jude pulls back, he clears his throat before he begins to speak, “Nate, of my own free will, I surrender my body and soul to you. I accept your collar as a visible sign of my greatest joy, that you are mine and I am yours. I accept your authority and I trust you to guide me on the right path. I vow to honour you, I promise to stand by your side, to support you and fulfil your needs and desires. I give myself to you, now and forever.”
Jude elegantly drops to his knees and places his palms flat on Nate's thighs, before tilting his head back and closing his eyes. Nate cards his fingers through Jude’s hair before stroking his fingers down his face and eventually fastening the collar around his neck. Nate makes quick work of screwing the lock shut and leans down to press his lips against Jude’s forehead. They whisper words to each other, too quiet for us guests to hear.
I hear sniffles from either side of me, I look at Jamie and see he has tears streaming down his face, his Daddies both have an arm wrapped around his shoulders as the boy hiccups, trying to keep his sobs quiet. From the corner of my eye, I see Vincent taking heavy breaths as his hands clasp tightly to the underside of the chair. His chest and stomach heaving. I lean closer to his side and hook my little finger with his. He gasps at the contact, but doesn’t turn to look at me. After a few seconds I feel his sweaty hand start to relax, before he turns his hand around and threads his fingers through mine.
We all sit in silence, watching the happy couple share a connection. Vincent’s hand starts to shake and a second later, he stands up and bolts.
Chapter 21 –
I’m a shit head. A total fucking loser. Here I am witnessing one of the most romantic things I’ll probably ever see in my lifetime, and I’m feeling sorry for myself.Oh, woe is me!
I knew David was going to be tonight and nothing I could have done would have prepared me enough to see his gorgeous face. I thought if I made myself look hot enough and if I wore my mask, I’d have an extra sense of security. But even with all that, I feel pathetic.
David’s barely even looked at me since we arrived, and I don’t know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I know we agreed to be civil whenever we saw each other, but that agreement was made between David and Vincent, not David and The Masked Brat. And now I don’t know what to do, or how to act.
A part of me wants to rip my mask off, reveal my true identity and deal with the repercussions. But the other part of me wants to bury my head in the sand and forget about everything that’s happened.
My head is swimming and my chest is getting tight again. My lungs trying and failing to suck in oxygen, I feel as if I’m suffocating. Like the room is getting smaller and smaller, until each of the walls are starting to crush me.I need to get the fuck out of here.
As much as I want to launch myself out of my chair and run away, I cannot make a scene, I refuse to pull any attention away from the happy couple. So, I force myself to focus on the things around me.
What can I see? I see my best friend getting loved on.
What can I smell? A mixture of leather and David's cologne.
What can I feel? The uncomfortable chair I’m sitting on and my clothes touching my skin.
What can I hear? Jamie’s fucking sobs and my own heavy breathing.
What can I taste? Spit mixed with blood from chewing the side of my cheeks.
I squeeze my eyes shut. I squeeze them so tight that the darkness starts to do that rainbow swirly thing. None of this is making me feel better. If anything, concentrating on everything around me is making me freak out even more.