Page 6 of Breaking Vincent
Chapter 3 –
“Hope you have a shitty day!” I shout to the jackass as he walks towards the door. I fully expected the man to ignore me, but I’m pleasantly surprised when he turns around and shoves his middle finger up at me.
The laugh I let out is loud enough that everybody in the cafe turns around to look at me. I probably look a bit crazy to them, cackling away like a witch. But as nice as I am, I can't help winding people up, and he is now on my list for people to annoy. Even though I’ll probably never see him again, I don’t think I’ll be forgetting his handsome face anytime soon.
Before making my way out of the cafe, I order lunch for Nate and myself.
The walk back to work doesn’t take long and I’ve already finished most of my coffee, leaving me feeling fuelled up and jittery.
I pass Nate his sandwich and dig into my own ham salad on brown, with a hearty serving of salad cream. It’s heartburn on bread, but it’s so worth it.
As Nate and I are the only people who work at the shop, we either eat our lunch together or sometimes his boyfriend, Jude comes in to join us.
Speaking of the devil, Nate's phone rings. “Hey baby boy. Yeah, I’m just eating my lunch now.”
I stop listening after a few seconds, focusing on my food and think back to the interaction with the sexy man from the coffee shop.
Truthfully, I don’t know why I acted like a dick. Technically, he was right when he said I crashed into him. Am I going to admit that out loud? Fuck no.
I was busy staring at the selection of cakes and treats behind the glass counter before he turned around. I’m surprised he didn’t feel me breathing down his neck, I was that close to him.
He didn’t even look pissed off at first, just surprised. But I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of him, and the reaction I received was exciting.
While he was waiting for his bland coffee to be brewed, I made sure to be super sweet to the barista when I placed my order, and I could tell that pissed him off. And that thought makes me feel more alive.
I’m pulled from the pleasant memories when Nate says,“What the fuck are you grinning at? You look like a creep.”
“I bumped into some guy at the cafe by mistake and then I acted like a brat, then I told him I hoped he had a shitty day.”
“And why didn’t you just apologise to him as soon as you knocked into him?” Nate questions with a sigh.
I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not sure, usually I would have. But he turned around and I wanted to see if I could get a reaction from him. Plus, I’m not going to make the first move. I’m a Sub, it’s not my job.”
Nate mutters something that sounds like,fucking idiot,under his breath.
“Careful boss. You know what insults do to me,” I say as I bat my eyelashes at him. “I wouldn’t want to tell Jude about you chatting me up in the workplace,” I joke.
Nate laughs. “Fuck off with your degrading kink. It’s not my thing and my baby boy knows that.”
I roll my eyes.Lucky bastards.
It's not that I want to be someone's baby boy. Dirty whore? Cum slut? Masters fuck-toy?Yes, to all three. Thank you very much.
Baby boy just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t want sweetness and mushy feelings. I want to hurt as I beg and scream for mercy.
The little bell above the door jingles when a customer walks in, saving me from Nate’s further interrogation.
I put on my best smile as I turn to look at the woman standing in front of me, “What can I do for you?”
The lady looks completely out of place as she looks around the shop, noticing the gothic décor and pictures of tattoo designs hung up on the walls.
I wouldn’t call her boring looking, but she doesn’t look like the type of person looking to be poked with a needle or tattoo machine. Her brown hair is fixed in a professional updo and her face is bare of any makeup. Her outfit is kinda basic, just black trousers and a dark blue jumper.
“I would like to have my nipples pierced.”
Not what I was expecting, but ok.