Page 61 of Breaking Vincent
He rocks faster against me, his ass rubbing my cock and his erection pressing against my stomach.
I slip my hand between our bodies and unbutton his jeans, fishing his cock free from his boxers. I wish I could pull away so I could get a good look at his dick, but I don’t want to stop kissing him.
I lift my shirt up a little and unfasten my own jeans. We both hiss as our bare cocks make contact. I press both of our erections against my stomach and he ruts against me.
The pleasure is getting too much, and I have to grit my teeth, willing myself not to cum first. His long plait swings down his back, I wrap the end of it around my fist and yank it down.
He moans at the sudden movement. He wraps one hand around my neck and uses the other to hold himself up on my thigh.
The only thing that would make this better if he was fully naked. I’d love to have him spread wide open on my lap. His cock throbs against mine, and in a few short seconds he starts to spurt his cum against my cock.
“OH. Fuck! David. I’m coming.” He groans and shakes through his orgasm.
It’s too much and I can’t force myself to not follow him over the edge. I keep my eyes open, watching the euphoric expression on his face.
He so fucking gorgeous and he’s all mine.
It takes a while for both of our breathing to return to normal and when it does, he leans down and licks our mixture of cum from my stomach.
Tiny flicks of his pink tongue against my skin makes the last few drops spill from my slit. He licks that up too.
When he sits back up, he presses his lips to mine. The taste of wine is still there, but the cum over powers it.
“Stay the night?” I ask him.
He smiles down at me, “I really wish I could, but I’ve got to open up the shop in the morning. Rain check?”
I make sure to hide the disappointment from my face, but from the sad smile on his face, I know I didn’t do it fast enough.
After the date last night, I’m still floating on pleasant emotions. It finally feels like I’m getting a chance at finding love. Not to say I was unhappy with how my life was before, I have an amazing family and nothing bad was happening. But things are changing, I’m making friends and soon I’ll hopefully have a partner.
I’m on my way to my parents’ house now, after my madre called me this morning inviting me around for family tea. I made sure to stop off at the supermarket beforehand, I wouldn’t dare show up empty handed.
I knock at the front door and my padre opens up a few seconds later. A big smile on his face as usual, as he invites me in and wraps his arms around me. My mum and dad are both on the shorter side, so it was no surprise when I never topped 5ft 6.
“La cena está lista,” Mum shouts from the kitchen.
My dad slaps a heavy hand on my shoulder and guides us to the kitchen. It's like a madhouse when I enter the room. Mum is busy dishing up spiced tortillas, my sister and her husband are chatting at the table and my niece, Mia is sitting reading her book. The room is loud and it's hot, but it’s perfect.
A couple of minutes later, my father says grace, “Gracias Señor por estos alimentos y bendice las manos que los prepararon. Amén.”
“Amén,” everybody in the room echos.
Conversations flow easily between the family. We talk about how Mia is doing in school and how house hunting is going for my sister and brother-in-law. Apparently, the market isn’t great at the minute, and there's a lack of houses in their budget in the area.
“You know, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need. We love having you here,” my mum says to my sister.
“I know Merde, it’s just getting a bit crowded in here,” my sister says. I see her hand go to her stomach. I don't think anybody else notices.I catch her eye and raise my brows in question. She nods her head at me confirming my suspicions. My sister is pregnant.
She quickly puts a finger to her lips and I understand she wants me to stay quiet about it.
“How are things with you, Hijo?” Mum asks.
“Things are good. Great actually. Work is going really well and I’ve made some friends.”
My mother is as smart as a whip, nothing gets passed her. So, I’m not totally surprised when she asks, “Are any of those friends, someone especial?”
I can’t help the smile from forming on my face.