Page 34 of The Raven's Alpha
“Alpha that feels amazing,” his words are slurred, his sleepiness evident in the way he draws out each syllable, but I can sense the appreciation in his tone, a warmth that spreads through my chest like a gentle flame. When I finish rinsing his hair, he stretches against me, his body relaxed and content, and I feel my own tension melt away, replaced by a deep sense of connection and belonging.
When we emerge from the tub, our skin is rosy and tender, softly wrinkled from the warm water. I help Darcy up, wrapping a fluffy towel around his body like a warm hug. The terrycloth is gentle against his skin, and I can't help but notice how his eyes flutter closed as he leans into my touch. I lead him to the living room, and get the fire burning before explaining to Darcy that I’ll be back in a moment.
Walking to the kitchen, I push open the fridge door, and a chill hits me as I reach for the frozen pizzas. The cold air wafts out, carrying with it the scent of last night's leftovers and this morning's coffee. I grab two pizzas and shut the door with a soft thud, feeling a pang of guilt for not cooking something more impressive. But tonight, I'm not worried about impressing anyone except Darcy. As I preheat the oven, my mind wanders back to him on the couch, his eyes still closed in sleep. I hurry through the cooking process, anxious to get back to him as soon as possible. Normally, I take pride in crafting each dish from scratch, but tonight I settle for convenience. It's not ideal, but it's a small sacrifice for the sake of getting back to my mate sooner rather than later.
I rush to the bedroom to grab something and then walk back into the living room and find Darcy wrapped in a soft blanket, his head resting against the cushions as he relaxes. His eyelids are closed, his breathing slow and steady, and his chest rises and falls in a gentle rhythm. The blanket is worn and faded in spots, but it's still my favourite, and I can't help but smile as I gaze at him. The air is thickwith the scent of baking pizza and the warmth of the fire crackling. As I approach him, I can hear the soft hum of the oven and the distant sound of crickets outside, adding to the cosy atmosphere.
I sink onto the sofa beside him, Darcy's eyes flicker open, and our gazes lock. My heart lurches in my chest as I'm struck by the golden light in his eyes, the gentle curve of his cheekbones, and the softness of his hair as it falls across his forehead. My breath catches in my throat as I drink in the sight of him, and my mind goes blank except for the primal urge to reach for him. My fingers twitch with the desire to touch him, to feel the warmth of his skin against mine. As I sit there, frozen in awe, Darcy's eyes never leave mine, and I can sense the spark of attraction between us growing stronger with each passing moment.
His voice is soft as he says, "There you are," his lips curling upwards in a slow, sly smile. The words are spoken in a tone that's both gentle and playful, and I feel a flutter in my chest as I take in the sight of him. The soft glow of the lamp on the coffee table casts a warm light on his features, illuminating the angles of his cheekbones and the curve of his jaw.
I lean in, my lips meeting his in a soft, gentle press. The taste of him is familiar and comforting, like coming home after a long journey. As we part, I ask, my voice barely above a whisper, "Am I ok to brush your hair for you?" My fingers twitch with anticipation as I gaze up at him, my heart racing with excitement. His eyes lock onto mine, filled with a warmth and affection that makes my skin tingle. I can feel the tension between us building, like a live wire humming with electricity.
I hold out the brush, Darcy's eyes flicker upwards from my hand to my face, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability. His brows arch in a gentle, incredulous shape, as if he can't quite believe what I'm offering. He nods slowly, his headcreaking in a subtle movement, and his lips part in a soft, gentle smile.
Just as I rise to stand, Darcy tilts his head to the side, a gentle negation. He reaches out and plucks a pillow from behind him, letting it drop with a soft thud onto the floor. The sound echoes through the quiet room, punctuating the moment. He unwraps the blanket from his body, revealing smooth, golden skin beneath. The fabric rustles softly as he drapes it over the back of the sofa cushion, before sitting down with a gentle whoosh of air escaping from his lips. I follow suit, settling onto the sofa behind him, my thighs brushing against his shoulders as I sit.
I begin to comb through Darcy's long hair, my fingers gliding through the tangled strands. The comb's gentle touch sends a shiver down his neck, and he relaxes into my ministrations. The soft hiss of my breath is the only sound as I work out the knots, my fingertips lingering on each tangle as I coax it free. His hair falls in loose waves down his back, and I can't help but run my fingers through it once more, feeling the soft silkiness of each strand. I regret not having a hairdryer in the cabin; his hair will likely take hours to dry. I mentally add it to my shopping list, already planning my next trip into town.
As I continue to brush his hair, I find myself lost in the soft, dark strands. The way the light catches the blue undertone is mesmerising, and I can't help but run my fingers through it again and again. The gentle tug of the bristles against his scalp is soothing, and I feel my tension melt away. After a few minutes, the timer's soft chime breaks the spell, and I lean down to press a kiss against the top of his head. "That'll be our food," I say, my voice low and soft.
Five minutes later, I walk into the living room, the savoury aroma of freshly baked pizza wafts up, making my stomach growl with anticipation. The TV screen flickers to life, casting a warm glow over the room, and Darcy's eyes light up with a smile as he spots meapproaching. I carry a tray loaded with our dinner - steaming hot pizza slices and a pitcher of icy-cold water - plus a few snacks for dessert.
While the film’s opening rolls, we settle in for a cosy night on the couch, our bodies entwined. I hesitate for a moment before bringing up the conversation that's been weighing on my mind. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I say, my voice low and contemplative. "I had a phone call with my parents earlier, I told them about you and they mentioned taking a trip, and I was wondering... what do you think about us taking a trip together?”
Darcy's eyes sparkle with excitement, as he asks, "Really?" His voice is infused with a palpable enthusiasm, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his mind as he begins to envision the trip. "I'd love to go with you," he continues, his words filled with sincerity. "I can’t wait to meet the people who raised such an amazing man. I'm sure they're incredible." My chest feels a flutter of delight at his words. Nobody's ever called me amazing before, the sentiment all the more surprising because it’s come from someone I’ve only just met and hearing it now feels like a gentle kiss on my skin.
"How about we make the drive up there next weekend, and we can stay for the week? That would give me plenty of time to wrap up any loose ends at the bakery, and I can make sure everything is in order before I take a break,” I suggest.
"That sounds perfect," his grin widening, and I can't help but return it. "Tell me everything," he urges, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What's it like where you're from?”
I explain a little bit more about my family and how life was like growing up in a pack. I also explain how we have to travel across the borders, I’m not trying to scare him, but I feel like he needs to understand how things work. "When we travel, we'll likely get stopped by border patrols. It's routine, but it can be... intense. They'll ask us questions, and we'll need to answer quickly and correctly. I'vebeen doing this for years, so it's second nature to me, but I want you to know what to expect."
I take another breath before continuing. "As an omega, you might be treated differently than others. You're... protected by me, I suppose. But even though we haven't officially mated yet, you're still under my care. We'll need to present ourselves as a claimed couple.”
Darcy's expression turns thoughtful, his brow furrowing as he processes what I've told him. "Yeah, I get it," he says finally, his tone measured. "I know it's not ideal, but I appreciate that you're looking out for me. It's...different, I guess, to think about being in a situation like that."
My mind still struggles to accept the harsh realities of the world. "It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that there are places where people aren't treated equally," I admit, my voice tinged with frustration. "Growing up, my parents taught me and my siblings to treat others with kindness and respect, no matter what. They instilled in us the Golden Rule: do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."
I pause, reflecting on the lessons my parents drummed into me. "When I was getting ready to leave pack lands and venture into neutral territories, I knew I had to hold onto those values. It wasn't always easy, but I tried to be mindful of how my actions might affect others.”
In the neutral lands of Everlong, humans and shifters coexist in a delicate dance. It's a place where the two species walk a fine line, where the rule is to keep our true nature hidden from human eyes - unless, of course, they're our mate.
But it's not always smooth sailing. A few years ago, a rogue shifter sparked a major incident when he exposed himself to humans without discretion. The fallout was immense, and my parents told me that as a result, strict laws were implemented to safeguard bothspecies. Thankfully, since then, relations have remained generally peaceful.
Darcy's words snap me back to reality as he asks, “What else do you know about the non-neutral lands?” His eyes spark with curiosity, and I sense a hint of unease beneath.
I struggle to find the words to describe the unspeakable atrocities that unfold in those forsaken places. “Imagine the most heinous, soul-crushing cruelty imaginable,” I choke out, my voice trembling with pain. “That's what alphas inflict on helpless omegas, leaving them shattered and broken.” His face contorts in horror, his eyes wide with a mix of disgust and despair.
"The non-neutral lands are steeped in ancient traditions, their rigid hierarchy a relic of a bygone era. In these places, shifters are bound to a single pack, with the alphas holding absolute power and reverence. Betas, relegated to the role of enforcers and punishers, are treated as mere tools, while omegas are reduced to nothing more than breeding stock and sex slaves. They’re beaten and abused without mercy,” I force out, my words trembling with rage and despair, my stomach twisting with the horror of it all.
Darcy's eyes flash with outrage as he demands, “How can this be allowed? Don't they have any laws to safeguard the omegas from this brutality?”
“The Alpha leader chooses a lawless territory to set up camp, exploiting the lack of protection for their own advantage. If you're born an Alpha, you're safe. But for Betas and Omegas... it's a different story. They prey on their vulnerability.” The words feel like acid in my mouth. “It's been that way for years, with only occasional victories from omega activist groups fighting for their rights. But wiping out the non-neutral lands will take time, maybe even generations," I explain.
As I speak, I ache with the weight of my words, my heart heavy with empathy. I want to understand, to truly grasp the depths of theirpain, but as an Alpha, I know it's something I’ll never understand. My own experiences have given me a glimpse into the world of privilege and power, but it's a pale imitation of what omegas face. I can only imagine the weight of their struggles, the suffocating fear that grips them every day. My eyes sting with unshed tears as I think of all those who've suffered, all those who still suffer, and I'm left feeling helpless and small.
Darcy's gaze falls, he wipes away the tears that have fallen, his expression etched with concern. “I had no idea it was this bad,” he says, his voice low and sombre. “I knew omegas faced challenges, but I didn't realise the extent of the oppression. I'm so grateful to live in a place where I've been fortunate enough to experience a different reality.” His eyes search mine, filled with a deep sadness.