Page 31 of Dreams on the Ice
Brooklynn’s lips curve up into a smile as she tips her head and looks down at me. I grip her waist, and she gently folds against my chest, her lips touching mine before she shifts and nuzzles into my neck.
Wrapping my arms around her, I squeeze her, then release her as a heavy sigh escapes my lips. We need to talk about this shit. And it’s the last thing I want to do, but this is fucking ridiculous.
“We need to talk about Kiki,” I murmur.
She lifts her head, and her eyes find mine. She tries to move off me, but my fingers squeeze her waist and hold her down on my length. I’m softening, but I know it wouldn’t take me much to get ready again.
“I don’t want to talk about Kiki,” Brooklynn grumbles.
Smiling, I release one of my hands from her waist and lift it to her face, tucking some hair behind her ear as my gaze searches hers. I can tell she really doesn’t want to have this conversation, but it needs to happen.
“We also need to discuss my finances because I’m not getting any money. My parents control my trust fund. They can decideif I get the money or not. It’s completely and totally up to their discretion, which means, as of right now, I have nothing.”
Brooklynn’s gaze searches mine, and then she clears her throat before she shakes her head once. “None of these things matter to me, Forrest. They’re also completely out of our control.”
“But Kiki being a bitch isn’t that,” I snap.
She laughs softly. Thank fuck she isn’t pissed, but I don’t understand why she’s not. I’m livid about the whole thing. This is beyond high school drama. I’ve never even been on a date with that bitch. I cannot imagine why she would pull this shit.
Reaching for my phone, I find my mother’s number and touch the call button. Brooklynn tries to climb off me, but I shake my head once. If I have to deal with my mother on the phone, I need my woman’s pussy wrapped around me—everywhere.
“Forrest, darling,” my mother sings as her greeting.
“Want to tell me why Kiki is spewing shit all over the internet about me and Brooklynn?”
I’m chewingon the corner of my nail while my knee bounces like it’s about to take flight. I don’t know what to do. Except, I feel like I don’t have a choice. The time on the phone in my hands continues to march on, and I know I have to leave here in a few minutes in order to make it to the restaurant on time.
Of course, he picks a five-star in Raleigh. It’s going to take me forty-five minutes to even drive there. But that’s not what has me upset or nervous. Not in the slightest. It’s because Forrest’s father called and wants to meet with me for lunch.
That has me nervous.
Beyond nervous.
And I can’t even call Forrest about it because he’s training all day. Not that I would, because I think that whatever this is, it’s going to upset him. The last thing Forrest needs is more upset. He’s already had enough on his plate.
Granted, I’ve had enough drama the past couple of days, too. Kiki’s video is still going strong, as are the threats and themessages. And just because she wants to be that kind of bitch, she’s made more.
Like, a lot more.
She’s made at least three videos a day and continues to lie. Not only is she saying that they’re engaged, but she has also been his girlfriend since high school and has been the lone supporter of his career. She’s the one who made him.
All lies.
And those lies are making the salon suffer.
Which means that I need to make some of my own decisions here shortly. Because even though it’s been a few days, the vultures aren’t just circling. They’re acting. And that acting means our phones haven’t stopped ringing for the past twenty-four hours. The voice mail is full of nasty messages.
I’ve also had clients cancel.