Page 47 of Dreams on the Ice
The people who were ready to end her career, her life, and her world just a few days ago are now following her, messaging her, and shouting from the rooftops how amazing she is. It’s been a bit scary to watch, in my honest opinion. The way opinions change so rapidly. It’s fucking terrifying.
But Kiki is a bitch, and she deserves every bad thing that comes her way. And this, all of it, is fucking epic. The moment I arrive home, I pull into the driveway and glance into the rearview mirror.
The driveway looks empty without Brooklynn’s car. The bedroom that belongs to her looks fucking lonely without her light shining behind the blinds.
Killing my engine, I push the door open and unfold from the front seat, then turn toward the house and walk inside. The house is empty, but I’m glad. I need a few minutes of quiet before the guys get home and ask me about the podcast.
Moving into the kitchen, I tug open the refrigerator door and bend at the waist. Lev has some leftovers from the other night. Beef tips in a butter sauce, kielbasa sausage, steamed broccoli, and roasted potatoes.
I don’t even bother heating it up. I grab a fork from the drawer, kicking the fridge door closed as I move to the bar and eat the cold food, standing up and moaning with every bite. Iwish Lev would cook full time at the house. He’s the only one worth a shit in the kitchen.
I finish the food and am putting the dishes in the sink when Alexei and Lev walk through the door together. They stop at the sight of me, and then their lips curve up into a smile. “We saw the podcast,” Alexei announces.
“Yeah,” Lev says. “It was fucking great. That bitch deserves everything coming her way. But is there a way you can get the fifty grand from her?”
My lips twitch into a smirk. “I thought of that, but I’m sure she’s already blown it.”
“Yeah,” Alexei agrees with a sigh. “Would be nice for you, though.”
I would laugh, but honest to fuck, it would be nice. I would love to make that bitch pay me what my father gave her to ruin me. They won’t ruin me or Brooklynn. I won’t let them. I’m not under my father’s control any longer. I’m done with them. Done with the whole thing.
I’m ready to start my life over.
I’m ready to start my life, period.
Sittingwith my back to the door, I wait for her to come inside. I can’t watch, though. If I do, I think I might actually go crazy. Closing my eyes, I reach out for my mug, wrapping my fingers around the warm cup. Then I wait.
And wait.
My lips twitch into a small smile as the minutes pass because I know Brooklynn, and she’s always late. Then I hear it. Her breath hitches from across the café. She’s thirty minutes late, or in her world, on time.
It takes everything inside of me not to turn my head to look at her. I know she’s dressed in something equally casual and sexy, wrapped together seamlessly. I’ve been around people who dress to impress my whole life, but there’s something absolutely effortless about her style.
Then, as if my willing her is enough to make it a reality, she walks through the café. I can sense her every move behind me until she rounds the table and stands in front of me. Rising, I wait for her to sit down.
“I ordered you water, but I didn’t know what else you’d want this morning,” I murmur as she sinks down in the chair across from me. Taking my own seat, I watch her. She’s silent. Then her eyes lift to meet mine.
Slowly, her tongue peeks out, sliding across her bottom lip before she lets out a long exhale, then she speaks. “Forrest.”
It’s only a single word. My name. But I feel it down to my marrow. “I told you I wasn’t letting you walk away, and I meant it.”
“This Kiki thing doesn’t fix your parent thing,” she points out.
I reach across the table and take her hand in mine. Sliding my thumb across her knuckles, I focus on her eyes. Those fucking breathtaking eyes of hers. “Fuck my parents, honey. I say that with all my heart. They are being unreasonable.”
“I could never ask you to abandon your family, Forrest.”
At her words, I burst out in a laugh. Her eyes widen, and her lips part at my finding her words humorous, but after all this shit, they really are. Once my laughter dies down, I enlighten her.