Page 34 of Tell Me Lies
“Yo, Boston, everything all right?”
The door cracks open, and Logan pokes his head in.
Grabbing the towel that has now fallen completely off me, I pull it back in front of my body. “I’m so sorry. I hope you didn’t need to go out or anything; I must have dozed off.” I quickly scooch my body off the bed, heading toward my dresser.
He opens the door the rest of the way and leans against the doorframe, casually folding his arms over his chest. As always, he looks relaxed.
“Fell asleep, huh? I guess that … inspirational session in your office must have really relaxed you.” He winks. “Really took theedge off. Tell me, sweet thing, did you dream of me?” He drops his voice to a whisper. “Perhaps about my giant c—”
“Stop,” I blurt out, grabbing some loungewear from the dresser. “Where is Amy?”
“In the kitchen, playing with Play-Doh.” His eyes roam me up and down. “You know, you don’t have to clench that towel so tightly. I’ve already seen—and fucking loved—what’s under it. Besides, I’ll be seeing it again real soon, you know.”
“No, you won’t.” I shake my head.
“Oh, yes, I will. I’m pulling me up a seat at the table, and I’m taking me a bite.”
I frown. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
“It does to me.” He shrugs. “Just means I’m going to fucking devour you, Maci McKenzie. Because you see, I decided something.”
I’m scared to even ask what he decided, to be honest. So, I don’t even ask. Besides, something I’ve learned about Logan Sterns? He’ll just rattle it off anyway.
“That book of yours, it needs a scene where he eats her pussy like he’s starving and it’s his last meal on earth.” His eyes twinkle, and his smirk grows. “Hell, he might even be so hungry that he needs to eat her ass too.”
For a few seconds, all I can do is stare at him. Because when a man as attractive as Logan Sterns says things like that … what the heck do you even say?
What I really want to do is flop onto my bed, spread my legs, and tell him we need to play out the scene right now. But there’s a child who needs our attention. I mean, isn’t he concerned she might try to eat the Play-Doh?
I think on that for a second, but then I remember that she knows better.
“You seem to be thinking an awfully lot about it, Mace,” he coos. “Tell me, what has you in a daze—imagining me licking your pussy or devouring your ass?”
I swear my legs want to give out from his words, and I force myself to walk toward him. Planting my hands on his abdomen, I shove him backward until he’s out of my room. “I’m going to get dressed now so that I can get something figured out for dinner. Go away. And take your filthy mouth with you.”
When I attempt to close the door, his arm catches it.
“I did some research on these smutty books you write. And it turns out, a dirty-talking male character is a fan fave.” He oozes confidence as he raises his eyebrows up and down. “Looks like it’s meant to be, babe. Because I promise you, you’re not going to find a filthier fucker than me.”
As he releases the door, he slowly struts down the hallway and back to Amelia. And me? I stand there in the doorway, trying to form a thought that doesn’t involve that man’s face buried between my thighs.
“Something is weird with you today,” Kolt says, eyeing me over as we all head from the arena. “Don’t get me wrong; you’re usually a goofy fuck, but this is next level.”
“Yeah, I see it too,” Smith Sawyer, one of the Sharks defensemen, agrees. “You giggled like a little schoolgirl all practice too. Even when Coach was yelling at you, you had a dumbass grin on your face.”
“Yeah, he did.” Kolt chuckles. “All damn day, he’s looked like a thirteen-year-old boy who just saw his first set of boobies.” He pauses, looking suspicious. “Matter of fact, he’s looked like that all week.”
“Ain’t nothin’ different about me, fellas.” I shrug, keeping my duffel bag slung over my shoulder. “Just excited for this season.”
“Come to think of it, it’s been since he went to that damn amusement park,” Ryder pipes in, reaching out for the door handle on his truck. His eyes narrow, and then a grin spreads across his face.
Quickly, I head toward my truck. “Later, fellas. See you tomorrow.”
“You’re bumpin’ uglies with the nanny, aren’t you?” Ryder calls behind me. “It’s all adding up now, boys.”
“Oh shit! He totally is,” Smith howls.
I keep walking until I reach my truck, still hearing them hooting and hollering behind me. My hand reaches for the door,but I glance back at them. “Y’all are crazy,” I say with a shake of my head. “See you tomorrow.”