Page 44 of The Marriage Auction 2: Part 2
“Julianne…it was always going to be me.”
She pushed forward and crawled across the couch to cuddle next to me. “I love that you think that way. There was definitely a time where I would have said us being here together like this, married, newly in love, wasn’t a possibility.”
I played with her drying hair, as I thought about what she said. “I’m glad it was you too.” I kissed her temple as she stretched her legs out along the couch, her body relaxed against mine. She sighed with contentment, and we both relaxed, watching six friends live their comedic lives.
This was how I wanted to end every night. My wife and I relaxed within one another’s arms. I would do whatever it took to hold on to it.
Episode 45
Blue Blood
“Baby, you want to go ahead and introduce me?” Memphis let go of my hand and curled his arm around my shoulder, hugging me close.
“Memphis, um, this is Malik Hendrickson. A family friend and someone I used to date.” I sighed tiredly, really not wanting to get into my romantic history with Malik right now.
“Date?” Malik scoffed. “We were engaged to be married, Naomi…” he blustered, his expression becoming harsher by the second.
“Good to meet you, Malik.” Memphis cut him off at the quick. “I understand you work for the Shaws?” he prompted, shocking me. Mostly because I hadn’t shared anything about Malik and our past. He must have done some research to know anything about my ex.
“That’s right. Although I’m far more than an employee or a friend,” Malik inserted, challenging Memphis’ word choices.
“Well, a friend of the family I’m marrying into is a friend of mine,” Memphis announced good-naturedly with a smile.
Malik’s eyes widened, and his jaw firmed. “You expect to be friends?” He laughed in that haughty, richie-rich way I abhorred. It was so pretentious and demeaning. And here Memphis was, being kind and courteous as usual. Memphisdidn’t realize he was staring a wolf in Tom Ford clothing straight in the face. And Malik was the type of man to make his enemies feel safe and welcomed before he struck and tore their lives apart.
“Sure,friend,” Memphis emphasized. “We’ll share a beer together some time. But first, my woman is beat. She needs food and cuddle time with her man.”
“Cuddle time?” Malik mocked as if Memphis had spoken gibberish.
“Yeah, you know. When couples actually spend their evenings together connecting, having a meal, sharing their troubles,” I said pointedly. A not-so-subtle reminder of one small issue on a long grocery list of things that didn’t work between me and Malik. Besides the fact he worshipped my father, hated sports, and loved eating out when I wanted to eat in. Also, the man was greedy in bed. I did all the work for very little return on that investment.
Memphis was literally the opposite of Malik. He adoredme, and hisfamily. Two things I could get behind. And he was the best lover I’d ever had. Relentless in his pursuit of my pleasure before taking his own. The man breathed football, which was a sport I enjoyed wholeheartedly, much to my family’s and Malik’s irritation. My father hated seeing images of me at sporting events caught by the paparazzi. He felt sporting events were for common folk and beneath us. His words, not mine.
“I would love to share a meal with you, Naomi, if you’d ever answer my calls. And I’d resolve any troubles you had promptly, provided you’d confide in me,” Malik hissed.
Memphis rubbed my arm. “Yeah, well as nice as that is for a friend of the family, I’ve got things covered from here on out. You ready to get settled, baby?” he asked me.
I hummed and rubbed my head against his shoulder. “Beyond ready. Will you cook for me then take me to bed?”
“Anything, you know that. How’s about a famous Taylor family grilled cheese? My granny’s recipe.” He kissed my temple, both of us ignoring Malik, now positively fuming.
“Sounds like perfection, honey,” I whispered, then rose up on tip-toe as he dipped his head to peck me on the lips. “I’m so happy you’re here,” I sighed and kissed him once more.
Malik cleared his throat. “I hope the cook has enough for three of those sandwiches because I’m staying here this week while Chantelle recuperates.”
“What!” I snapped, my head turning to take in Malik’s shit-eating grin. “Why?”
“Your father doesn’t want to be too far from his wife. Isn’t that sweet? And there is important work to be done for Shaw International. You’d know that if you would finally accept your role in the family business.”
I groaned. “As I told you and my father a thousand times before, that is never happening. I have paved my own path.”
“Naomi, please. Your little business has done well, but it will never be Shaw International. The company is worth billions.”
“Yeah, and my company profited in the hundreds of millions in the last few years. I’m doing just fine on my own.”
“Damn, Nay. You’re the shit. Hundreds of millions. I’m so impressed,” Memphis hugged me tight, showing his affection.