Page 21 of Spice's Halloween
“Carry on,” Ventor sneered, eyeing us both.
“Make a citizen’s arrest,” Spice filled in.
“Check the house and ensure it’s clear,” Ventor said to the uniforms.
“Finally,” I snorted.
“And how do we know you didn’t shoot him, Miss Reynolds, and are now lying because he’s threatened you?” Ventor demanded, still not lowering his gun.
“Because the asshole who broke in is my ex-fiancé, David Higgins. We saw David clearly staring from my bedroom window,” I said, and Spice grunted in disappointment.
I flicked Spice a glance, but his face was impassive.
“And why would your ex-fiancé be doing this?” Ventor asked as he finally lowered his gun. “Call this in. We’ve got an active crime scene,” he ordered a uniform.
Ventor remained uninterested until I explained how I’d outed all the neighbours. His eyebrows shot into his hairline when I explained how I’d informed David’s boss. And followed up by calling every phone number in his book and exposing all the cheating bitches. The cops stared horrified at me at the end.
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” one of the uniforms muttered.
“Is it possible Mr Higgins was behind your attack?” Ventor asked.
I wriggled on the floor, and Ventor sighed alongside Spice.
“Never play poker, Miss Reynolds,” Ventor said, and Spice chuckled. “When did you remember it was Mr Higgins?”
“At the hospital. But you were pissing me off, so I said nothing. You were really judgemental,” I snapped defensively.
“Well, that bit you and Spice on the ass. Any news on that ambo?” Ventor asked.
“Ten minutes out,” a uniform replied.
“Don’t fucking rush,” Ventor murmured and turned back to us. “Anything else you should tell me?”
“Lindy’s right, we saw the intruder clearly before being shot. It was Higgins, and he’s still armed,” Spice said.
“We’ll put that on the BOLO and APB. Do you have any idea where he’s been staying since you kicked him out?”
“No, but I know what car he drives,” I offered.
“Not anymore, you don’t. Higgin’s swapped cars.” Spice sighed.
“He has?”
“Yes, Lindy. I didn’t want to worry you,” Spice replied.
“Spice, I could have been followed by David and not known!” I exclaimed and whacked his stomach.
Spice groaned, and I felt guilty.
Ventor began looking amused.
“Wanna help a guy out?” Spice demanded, and Ventor shook his head.
“Nope. Miss Reynolds is right. I won’t ask how you’re aware Higgins changed cars. Guess you drove past him.”
Spice looked surprised at Ventor’s words before nodding slowly. “Sure did.”
Ventor nodded. Outside, an ambulance pulled up, and Ventor stepped to one side. Ventor acknowledged the paramedics as they entered.