Page 28 of Spice's Halloween
Mary returned and snuck a peek at Soar before ducking her head with a blush. Oh, yeah, Mary liked him.
And what wasn’t too like? Soar was a damn handsome man, muscled and with two full sleeves. His jeans fit like a glove, and he had silky black hair. Plus, he wasn’t a whore. Soar dated and didn’t do one-night stands. If anyone was good enough for Mary, it’s Soar.
“Mary, didn’t you used to be a receptionist for church?” I inquired innocently, and Soar straightened and looked straight at her.
“Yes, Miss Lindy,” Mary whispered, looking like a startled rabbit. She ducked her head again, and Soar sent me a ‘What the fuck are you doing, Lindy?’ stare.
“Would you be able to help Soar out at the parlour?” I asked.
“Umm,” Mary stammered.
“Soar, tell Mary what you’d expect,” I demanded.
“Lindy, the girl looks terrified. I don’t think Mary wants to work in a tattoo parlour. Lindy, we don’t mind our language either,” Soar said, giving me the stink eye.
“Um, I enjoy organising stuff,” Mary replied quietly, and Soar looked up.
“You do?”
“Yes. If you tell me what I need to know, I’m a quick learner, but… I have a job with Miss Lindy. I don’t want to leave her in the lurch,” Mary answered and ducked her head again.
Soar was looking at Mary with renewed interest.
“Well, I can loan you to Soar until he finds someone,” I offered magnanimously.
“That would be really kind of you, Lindy,” Soar replied through gritted teeth.
“Mary, why don’t you take lunch right now and pop to the tattoo parlour afterwards and meet Soar there? Soar can explain the job, and you can see if you’d be interested,” I said and smiled.
“Okay, Miss Lindy,” Mary agreed. She peeked at Soar. “See you soon,” she whispered and disappeared.
“Lindy, sending that innocent to me is like sending an unarmed man to feed a lion,” Soar murmured with a stern stare.
“Mary’s going to surprise you. If she doesn’t work out, she can come back.”
“Mary’s a fuckin’ shock, alright. My boys will smell her innocence a mile away and will act like dogs in heat,” Soar complained.
“Then rein them in and make sure they’re aware Mary’s off limits, or they’ll be dealing with me. Mary’s a good girl and doesn’t need to be treated like a one-night stand or worse,” I warned Soar.
“I’ll tell them she’s under your protection. They’ll behave, Lindy,” Soar promised. “But don’t be surprised if your little project is back within a week.”
“Mary’s going to surprise you,” I insisted and shooed Soar away with his box of ointment.
As I turned from the counter, I saw Iona and Rosalea both watching wide-eyed.
“Did you just manoeuvre Soar into hiring Mary?” Rosalea asked.
“Even better, I’m sure I witnessed a matchmaking opportunity,” Iona murmured, staring at me in awe.
“What you and Warden have, I want all my boys to have. You’ll learn, girls, how to handle the brothers in time. Just watch and learn and ask questions,” I replied smugly.
“I wanna be you when I’m older,” Iona whispered, still looking amazed.
“Then pay attention. You’re going to be Queen Bee Iona. You may hold that title now, but you’re a long way from being what the club needs and deserves. As Queen Bee, you have to handle the whores and put a beatdown on them when needed. You’ll anticipate the desires and wants of the club and be their silent conscience.
“Never judge them again, Iona. They’ll turn against you for that. Be their sounding board when they’re drunk and hurting, and be their cheerleader if they’re celebrating. And don’t ever defy Warden. You’ll lose them and their regard the moment you do,” I warned.
“Lindy, I don’t have much of their respect anyway,” Iona replied.