Page 31 of Spice's Halloween
“White, please. I got the girls today.”
“Nice going. Getting them there would be the hardest problem.”
“Not so much. I showed Iona a Ouija board, and her damn eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Rosalea was the holdout,” Lindy replied.
“Rosalea hates horror movies, and that Ouija board is gonna scare the pants off her,” I said, chuckling.
“Yup, that’s why this is fun. I called the acting troupe, and they’ve confirmed the booking.”
“Great. Did you pay them?” I asked.
“Yes. The caterer will deliver to the clubhouse during our absence. Callipso will handle it,” Lindy stated.
“Rook’s hostess at the nightclub?”
“Yes, Callipso’s trustworthy and has the night off. Callipso doesn’t mind being there to set up the food for when we return,” Lindy said as she began plating up dinner.
I took the drinks I poured and headed to the small kitchen table where we ate if it was just us two.
“Heard from Beau today. He’s coming home and thinking about quitting. He’s asked if Warden would take him on as a prospect,” I said and watched Lindy perk up at the mention of our eldest son.
“That would be wonderful!” she exclaimed. “Lissy phoned as well. It’s gone tits up for her, as we thought. She’s kicked the asshole out, is ordering movers and coming home. I called Aura, and he has a couple of houses for rent and about six for sale that would be suitable for Lissy.”
I sighed as I thought of our headstrong second child. Lissy marched to the beat of her own drum and fuck everyone else.Her shacking up with a sleeveless sweater, tie wearing jerk had been a huge mistake. But Lissy wouldn’t listen and had to learn the hard way.
“And Decker?” I asked. Our youngest son was tied to his mama’s apron strings.
“Decker is Deck and still working as a pilot in Hawaii.”
“Still doing those fuckin’ tours?” I inquired.
Lindy shrugged. “Deck makes a ton of money doing them, and he’s happy, Spice. He ain’t ever going to meet anyone’s expectations. He’s too like you and Lissy.”
“Hey!” I said, insulted.
“Don’t start with me, Spice. You’ve always walked your own path, and fuck what anyone thinks. Lissy and Decker are just like you!”
“That’s probably true. But you don’t need to remind me of it,” I complained.
“If I don’t, who would, Spice? Let’s check these plans once more.”
I grinned at Lindy. This Halloween would be unforgettable.
Chapter Seven.
Warden, Kosmic, Noble, Wyvern, and Griffin
The streets were full of families as we headed out to the cemetery. We’d phoned the police and let them know we were patrolling it tonight due to previous vandalism. In other words, stay the fuck away. The cops had been called out quite a few times in the past, so the captain thanked us for saving them the job this year. I made a nice donation to the widows and orphans’ fund as well. Fuckin’ Old Timers. One of them had majorly fucked up.
We rode to the cemetery, which was situated on the outskirts of town, towards Mt Battie Rd. We’d already plotted who’d go where. In the end, to stop the bickering, we’d drawn straws to see who dug the corpse up. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue, but knowing it was wrapped in plastic and there’d probably be a mush of skin, bone and muscle, nobody was keen. Plus, Dynamo and Vogue had both got it into their heads there’d be bodily fluids.
I expected a rotted carcass, but for some reason, everyone else envisaged something different. Maybe it was because thiswas Halloween, and it was playing on their minds a bit. Nobody could deny we weren’t a suspicious bunch. The sisters had managed to wriggle out of the short straw but were on duty on the grounds.
Digging had come down to me, Kosmic, Noble, Wyvern, and Griffin. The rest of the club was scattered to ensure we weren’t disturbed. Scorch and Soul both headed out to the crem. Scorch now ran the crematorium after we bought it ten years ago. Soul had just been put in charge of the funeral services and the graveyard. Tonight, this body would disappear forever.
“Should have got that mini digger the workers use,” Noble bitched.
“And alert people to the fact we’re excavating?” I asked.