Page 25 of Ride with Zane
“That's terrible.” I gasp, chills of terrors rushing down my skin. Is that the reason he showed up? It doesn’t make any sense. How did he know?
“I’ve been told to close the case, or I'd lose my job. I did it and guilt was eating me up after that.” He turns right, taking the long way toward home. “I couldn’t even sleep, and I put myself in his shoes.”
“But if you didn't have evidence, why feel guilty?”
His grip on the steering wheel tightens. “Because I had plenty of them. I went to Rock and informed him about the case, promising him I'd have done everything to help him to find who did it.”
“Did you find them?”
“Yes,” he glances over at me. “it turns out The Vipers organized everything.”
Why am I feeling like I don't know anything about the town I live in? “Who are The Vipers?”
“Newtok was controlled by two bikers’ clubs: The Black Panthers and The Vipers. There has always been a territorial war between the two of them.”
My mouth drops open. A war? Sounds so surreal. “I didn't know that.”
“Rock is their president.” Dad's voice doesn't flinch. There's no reproach, hate or disdain in his voice.
I've seen Rock's tattoos, but no snakes were painted, still I can't help but ask about it. “Of The Vipers?”
“No, cupcake, of The Black Panthers.” The corner of his mouth raises up. “Rock helps me keep The Vipers out of Newtok.”
What? Is it even a thing? Bikers and police working together sounds more like a movie thing. “I thought the bikers were against the law, like owning illegal activities or something like that.”
“They do, but not here, cupcake. We've cleaned out of the town from drugs, and weapons.”
“So The Black Panthers are not involved in drugs?”
“Just smoke, and I'm okay with that. They don't sell it to kids, and some are curative.”
I can't believe dad believes for real in this bullshit. “Dad, come on, it's still drugs.”
“I know, but they helped Jill when the doctors said no medicine could relieve her pain.”
Mom? I'm speechless. If they have helped Mom, then they'll have all my respect. “So, they're good guys?”
“Don't tell anyone I say it, but yes, they are, otherwise I wouldn’t ask their help tonight.” He replies as he crosses the gate of my house.
Dad has called Rock for me? That’s why they were there. And I thank God they showed up. I don’t even know what was going on. I never did wrong to anyone and still someone chased me till here. Why?
Getting out of the car, I reach for my suitcase, but dad takes it, carrying it for me. “Try to rest, cupcake, I'll be here, don't worry.”
While searching for my keys, I look over my shoulder. “I'm okay, Dad, just exhausted. Go home. Pamela must be worried.”
“You sure?” I can see he’s holding back from giving me a piece of mind since the agreement was, I should have comehome tomorrow. Dad doesn’t like when I’m driving at night, let alone after a competition.
“Yes, Dad. Thank you.” I hug him. I spot Foster, dad's colleague, outside the gate. I didn't notice he was following us, and I wave at him.
“Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“I'll be fine, Dad.”
“Put that damn thing to charge.” His remark sinks deep. I can’t imagine how worried he was when my battery died.
I kiss his cheek. “Will do, have a good night.”
After heading inside, I lock the door and go upstairs. I need a shower to wash my fear away. I should have stayed in the hotel and come back tomorrow. All this mess wouldn’t have happened. Plugging the cellphone to the charger I toss the bag on the chair and head to the bathroom. The hot spray warms my body but still I can’t stop shaking. What the hell did just happen? Tears stream down my face and I drop on my knees crying my heart out. When I get up to shut the faucet, the water is almost cold, and I decide to wash.