Page 39 of Ride with Zane
“That’d work.” Agrees Doc.
Clenching my fists I sit back. “I don’t know, I’ll talk to her.”
“And we have another problem,” adds Blue.
“I’m all ears.”
“The doc was pretty busy today. Drew’s friend was talking with Bones.”
“Bones is on our payroll, what does he say?”
“The Vipers think he’s corruptible, so they asked him to work for them.”
“You fucking kidding me?” What the hell is happening?
“I couldn’t believe it either when he called me. They need a place for their cargo from Canada.”
“Any clue what they will import?”
“Drugs or guns.”
“Call The Wolves and The Angels too. I need to meet them tonight.” The two charters can come in a hand especially when it took us a lot to get rid of those motherfuckers.
“Consider it done,” Brick leaves the room.
When we took Newtok I knew we’ll have a lot of troubles because of the doc. It’s easy to reach it and ship things out to Canada. It’s easier for us too but we’re the only ones to use it.
“That’s all we have?”
“They tried to rent a few warehouses too.” Doc nervously flicks his pen.
“Okay, find out from whom and what they need them for.” I exchange a look with Mac. “From now on we won’t ride alone. Make sure to inform the gate.”
“On it, Rock,” Blue says, leaving the room too.
“What do we need to do, Rock?”
“We’ll move here, I want to know you all are safe, tell Silky to move in here too.”
“I’ll prepare your room for the Princess.”
“Thank you,” I collect my phone and keys. “I'll be at the ZBE tonight if you need me.”
Once in my office I try to focus on what we should do next but I can't stop thinking of her so I pick up my phone and shoot her a text.
Me: Are you awake?
Princess: Yep, doing some research.
Me: I miss you.
Princess: Come over.
Me: I wish I could, I need to keep an eye on my businesses too.
Princess: Do you have more than one here?
Me: I’ll tell you about them later, baby. I have a meeting at the ZBE tonight.