Page 53 of Ride with Zane
“Do you think Princess is going to stay here forever?”
“Not in here but at my place.” I smile. “Why?”
“It's nothing, it's just,” I can already see her struggle and I don’t know why, “I hoped we could be friends and hang out sometimes. You know, girly stuff.”
“I can't see why you can't do it.”
“So it'll be okay for you?”
“For me? Of course, Silky, you're my family and the same goes for Bonnie and Di. Why should I be upset with you hanging out with my woman?”
“Don't you think it'll be weird for her to hang out with us? I mean she's a classy girl.”
“You should see her riding her Busa before saying that,” says Blue.
“She has a bike?”
“Yep,” I reply, checking on my phone “You don't have to ask for my permission, but I doubt she'll have time for it.”
“Why's that?” asks Bonnie, sitting with Di in front of me.
“She got accepted for the Olympics next year.”
“Holy fuck, that's fantastic.” I can read the amazement in their eyes.
“She hasn't told you because she wanted to tell Harrison first.”
“Sounds fair.” Silky nods.
“Her coach told her from tomorrow she'll be on a diet and on a hellish train. That's why I'm waiting to tell her all about us. I want her to be focused on her training.”
“You right, Rock. We'll keep our mouths shut.”
“Can we throw a party tonight for her?”
“Please,” says all three, making me shake my head.
“Olympics, huh?” Blue nudges me.
Mac nods. “She's a badass.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Cupcake, what's bothering you?”
“What? Nothing, why?”
“You've checked your phone ten times in the last hour. You seem nervous.”Okay, Ash, you have to tell him. There's no way out of this.
“Truth is I need to tell you something but I don't know how.”